Have you ever left a a restaurant and felt way too full? This is - TopicsExpress


Have you ever left a a restaurant and felt way too full? This is very easy to do. Restaurants tend to serve large portions, and we feel we should “get our money’s worth.” The result, for many, is eating too much. Read on for some simple tips for eating out, and eating just the right amount. Beverage: The non-diet soda can quickly add extra calories to your meal. The endless refills offered by restaurants can tack on many “hidden” calories. Try water with lemon or unsweetened ice tea as a beverage choice, in lieu of a soda, to avoid extra calories. How the food is cooked: The wording on menus can offer a clue to the amount of added fat calories. Some words that indicate added fat include: Creamed Fried Loaded Smothered Lower fat choice wording options include: Broiled Grilled Poached Steamed Size: Portion sizes are tricky! Often, many restaurants offer portion sizes that could be consumed in two meals. Divide the meal when you receive the plate. Reserve half of the portion for a future meal, and consume the remaining portion as your current meal. Waiting until after the meal, can make it more challenging to save back part of the portion. Many restaurants also offer a menu section with lighter options that taste great! Give one of these tips a try to enjoy your next meal. tww
Posted on: Mon, 08 Jul 2013 15:41:30 +0000

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