Have you ever thought about your life and the things that have - TopicsExpress


Have you ever thought about your life and the things that have happened to make you who you are? Are you who you want to be? Are there things you would change about yourself? Here is a little about me.... The old me.... - I struggled with my weight which cause depression - I struggled with infertility which caused depression - I allowed food to control me and my moods - I cared way too much about what others thought of me and my size - I never thought I was good enough to be loved unconditionally The new me.... - I am working on my weight issues. Im down 70lbs and want to lose 70 more this year! This has helped tremendously in my depression because Ive changed my focus. - I have accepted the fact that God has a plan for my life. I will be satisfied with what He has for me. He has given me 2 beautiful children through adoption and I couldnt be more grateful! - I now focus more on my food than ever before. I do meal prep and plan every meal before hand. Not allowing for the emotional eating that feeds into the uncontrolled depression. - I am working on trusting people again. This is a huge benefit of being a team beachbody coach. I get to see that there are real people in this world who have real struggles. I am one of them...and I am trustworthy. - I do personal development daily. One of those things is reading the Bible daily and praying daily. Drawing closer to God is the only thing that has helped me see I AM GOOD ENOUGH TO BE LOVED UNCONDITIONALLY! Gods love will never leave or fail me. Lastly, I want to say this...I am thankful for my beachbody business! It allows me to step WAY outside my comfort zone and become healthier everyday! Thank you Lord for bringing it and all of you into my life!
Posted on: Tue, 20 Jan 2015 23:20:10 +0000

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