Have you ever wondered why, with so much evidence surrounding us, - TopicsExpress


Have you ever wondered why, with so much evidence surrounding us, which points to a major conspiracy of a shadow government controlling the planet (that has been working for hundreds, if not thousands, of years, in order to bring about a tyrannical, demonic one world government), most people refuse to believe it, choosing instead to label those who have pieced the puzzle together as conspiracy theorists? They will usually say something like, Oh come on, why would anyone plot something for so long, when most of the people in such a conspiracy wont be around to see the plot come to fruition? Thats Satans deception; To brainwash the masses into not knowing there IS an afterlife, there IS a God, there IS a Satan, and there is a battle going on for our souls! As long as a person lives for the here and now (whether they claim to believe in God or not), they will NOT be able to see the big picture. Satans children, though (for however evil they may be), CAN see the big picture, and are (and have been for hundreds of years) working towards the destruction of Yahs children. Think of the mountain we have to climb in order to save humanity: Gods children have to battle, not only 100% of Satans children, but also the 90%+ who call themselves Christians, but who live for today, and as a result, refuse to see Gods truth. This is why man can NOT save man from himself, and why only The Messiah, Yahushuah HaMasiach can (and WILL) save us!
Posted on: Mon, 05 May 2014 15:31:56 +0000

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