Have you heard the phrase Never give up on your dreams? I sure - TopicsExpress


Have you heard the phrase Never give up on your dreams? I sure have. Its easier said that done though isnt it? :) What I find interesting is as you become exposed to more and more motivational images and quotes, the mind starts to filter them out a bit. We start to dilute them. I feel like I have become spoiled by all of the inspiring content people are sharing. Ive almost started to develop a seen-it-all-before mentality. Yeah yeah. I think to myself. - Motivation... Got it. - Positive thought... Got it. - Consistency... Got it. - Dont quit... Got it. - You can do anything... (yawn) Got it. I start convincing myself thats all just talk. And you know what? It IS....if we dont actually APPLY it. It amazes me how cunning I can get in inventing new excuses to smother the new ideas I am exposed to. Even right now, as I am typing these words, my mind is saying Dont bother. Whats the point? Everyones heard it before. Well, my mind, I have two points for you: 1) Not everyone has heard it before. 2) Ive just proved that even if we HAVE heard it before, we probably arent taking action it. So my message to me is: Stop being so LAZY Jacob and SHARE this information with people! By not sharing I am actually derelict in my duties to make positive change on this planet. If one person out of a million who read this feel even just a little bit inspired to take action in their own life, then its worth it. As it says in the Master Key System: You may freely choose what you think, but the result of your thought is governed by an immutable law. Any line of thought persisted in cannot fail to produce its result in the character, health and circumstances of the individual. Methods whereby we can substitute habits of constructive thinking for those which we have found produce only undesirable effects are therefore of primary importance. Heres to constructive thought folks. Jacob
Posted on: Tue, 18 Mar 2014 16:06:19 +0000

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