Have you tried to kick-start your life out of its current rut, but - TopicsExpress


Have you tried to kick-start your life out of its current rut, but no matter what you do nothing happens? That feeling of being stuck is so frustrating. The worst scenario is to lose hope, seeing your dreams and desires become a distant memory as the years roll by.The problem is that we know there is a problem but simply do not know what to do about it. We have read self-help books, listened to motivational speakers and been nagged by well-meaning friends. Having failed to change we convince ourselves that it does not really matter and soldier on regardless with a life devoid of joy. Apathy rules. So what is the answer? Once you have that conviction, your new found positivity will thrive on itself and therapy just becomes the way to gain momentum and boost your willpower. Get started today by changing something in your life however small. Walk to work a different way, wear something different, drink a different coffee, talk to a stranger … anything as long as it is different. Whatever action would surprise your friends – do it today. Good luck. blog.stresstonic/2013/08/today/
Posted on: Wed, 14 Aug 2013 07:03:56 +0000

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