Havent done a quote of the day/week/month/whatever in a while, - TopicsExpress


Havent done a quote of the day/week/month/whatever in a while, because none have struck me as truly outstanding. This one did. Youre welcome. :) The Republican party is doomed. I give them two, maybe three, election cycles and they are finished. America is changing. People are becoming more educated. The internet has shattered barriers like no other tool in history. Americas demographics are changing, equality is rising, openness is expanding but rather than embrace and nurture this great change a few radicals are throwing a fit as they are dragged kicking and screaming from power. Be careful in the next few years. While the GOP dies out, they may still strike and cause some damage on their way out. There is nothing more dangerous to the status quo than an educated, informed and empowered people. There are no more secrets, nothing to hide behind. Do not cling to a past that is already dying: instead, embrace the future or get rolled over by it. -- Anonymous Internet commenter.
Posted on: Sat, 28 Jun 2014 03:35:33 +0000

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