Having a busy lifestyle, eating too much fried or spicy food in - TopicsExpress


Having a busy lifestyle, eating too much fried or spicy food in combination with inadequate sleep can result in some unwanted symptoms. Soon you may find you become troubled by a sore throat, thirstiness, a dry mouth, fatigue, lack of energy and/or acne. These health problems are not easily solved by just sleeping more. In TCM, it is known as “excess internal heat” due to qi and yin deficiency. American Ginseng can help relieve these problems and retrieve total balance inside our body by clearing heat, invigorating qi and nourishing yin. With American ginseng bringing your body back into balance, you will feel full of energy throughout the day. GinZEN is a 100% American ginseng. You may be surprised about GinZEN’s effectiveness when comparing it with drinking American Ginseng tea. hyy.hk 工作忙、無足夠時間休息,平時又喜歡吃煎炸及辛辣食物,你便會感覺到喉嚨不適、口乾、疲倦乏力,有時面部還長喑瘡! 這些健康問題不是單單休息便可容易復元,中醫認為這是因氣虛、陰虛導致所謂虛火等綜合問題,亦稱為“熱氣”。西洋參能補氣養陰, 清熱生津,有效地舒緩以上問題,讓身體回復平衡,再次充滿活力! 杏林堂西洋參膠囊含百分百西洋參,比起泡西洋參茶更有效! hyy.hk
Posted on: Fri, 03 Oct 2014 10:00:44 +0000

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