Having a position of high authority, you would be imprudent to - TopicsExpress


Having a position of high authority, you would be imprudent to interpret the silence of those who listen to you as a sign of acquescence. Ask yourself whether you allow them to make suggestions, or whether you take offense if they actually let you know what they think. You must change ways...... My dear fellow Burundians who has had the opportunity to follow yesterdays speech of the President while adressing former combattants/converted mafia crew juniors??? In case it could be translated in English or French I believe non-burundian would realize that we have an opportunist president! In the actual sense he should be given some language skills lessons......the terms he uses are not fit for a president Im sorry to say!! At times the president forgets that if Burundi is facing these unending crisis, he is the sole trouble-maker! Let me remind him that before accessing power he was tagged rebel. The president and his mafia crew should actually know that someone can access power without having to kill innocent lives! Please ask him what was his agenda while in bush????.....He could have nothing to say!!!!!!9 years with nothing to prove!!!!!At times I wonder if he went to bush in order to access power and violate the constitution,sadly the same constitution which brought him to power!!!His sole job is to divide political parties, plunder the country ressources,play soccer and kill innocent lives especially his opponents!!!!!let him deny these facts...... There is a statement the president made in his speech which I believe was not calculated......Imagine he dared to say too much money renders mad !!To use the words he used he said: amafaranga menshi arasaza!!!! The question which came to mind was to know who he was referring to?? Since the president and his mafia crew are being cited in various medias that they are extremely rich does he mean that they are mad????or does he mean that we are being lead by mad people????If yes, let him resign because Burundi as a country cannot or should not be run by mad people!!! As enterpreneur I would tell the president, that the kind of money which renders someone mad is stolen money!!! I even thought he knew this since he pretends to be a man of God!!! This president of ours forgets that I have heard from the horse mouth, here I mean his deputy speaker namely willy Nyamitwe, that they were the ones torching peoples property in the name of accessing power!Sadly they still nurture this spirit..... In case you had the opportunity to hear what the president deputy speaker,Willy Nyamitwe, said during his interview with a RFI journalist while in France recently, you would even slap him!!!Let me hope that this time he was sober and that France authorities know that 1+1=2 not 1!!! In case Willy Nyamitwe, the president deputy speaker,had gone to gather support from the french government in order to violate the constitution and allow Pierre Nkuruniza stand a 3rd illegal term, France should know from now that we wont allow them commit and finance a genocide in Burundi as they did in Rwanda in 1994! In the actual sense french and EU citizens in Burundi should ready themeselves to be hunted like chicken thieves the day the constitution allows Pierre Nkurunziza to stand a 3rd illegal term!!!!! Dont even try to interpret the law in your favor.......what we know 1+1=2 For those who are not politically short sighted, let me hope you have come to discover who support this traitor in the names of Interior minister in his zealous work of dividing political aprties in Burundi and in the long run divide Burundians! I can assure Edouard Nduwimana, if he does not change his ways, one day the law will catch him and he will either have to live the rest of his life in exile or in a jail cell for his political crimes! Last but not least, may the international community help monitor the use of the 8 billion given by World Bank to rehabilitate former combattants/junior mafia crew,if it will not be used to arm them instead,in order to support the 3rd illegal term of the President!!!
Posted on: Fri, 07 Mar 2014 08:38:59 +0000

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