Having just returned from a 1,729 mile trip to the Southern most - TopicsExpress


Having just returned from a 1,729 mile trip to the Southern most point in North America (Key West), I am both energized and maybe a little sore...lol I travelled mainly down A1A Beach Front, but I occasionally travelled on Hwy 1 South. For those who have travelled this route before you know they run virtually perpendicular to each other. There is however one thing I never showed pictures of, but I must admit even I was shocked to see. The amount of both homeless people and people substantially below poverty level who are living their lives on Hwy 1. I would venture a guess that for the most part Hwy 1 and A1A are a few blocks at times to maybe a mile away from each other at other points. While travelling on A1A, you see families enjoying life and lots of high end shops and stores and nice vehicles. Move over 3 Blocks and you see people who are struggling to find shelter or asking for food or help. Making this trip alone probably allowed me the opportunity to focus on this more than most as I did not have the distractions of my own family to divert my attention away from the terrible details of how much people are struggling all across America. Although we have homeless people right here, it is not quite as prolific as it appeared to me while travelling. However, maybe my distractions with work, family, friends allow me to not see what is happening here as well. I took an opportunity on Saturday to have lunch with 3 men whom happened to be standing outside of the little Pizzeria place I stopped at for a quick lunch. I introduced myself to the 3 men and asked them if they would like to join me for lunch. They all accepted and we went inside. I must admit I was kind of cautious to whether or not the restaurant would say anything, but fortunately they were nice enough to leave us be. These 3 men were intelligent and smart men. All 3 were Veterans and all of them knew more about ISIS and several other national issues than I could have even imagined. All 3 men were just as kind and as friendly as anyone you could hope to meet. I inquired deeper into their lives than probably most had in awhile and I was amazed by their stories. Mainly by how each told how they ended up homeless. I wont bore you with every detail, but what surprised me more than anything was how each man took responsibility for how he came to be in his current situation. No blaming others, no shouts for being given a bad hand or something like that. But mostly what I heard and saw were men who had fought hard for this country and were pushed away when they were either injured physically or mentally. Two of the men had recently been diagnosed with PTSD and getting treatment from a local clinic as he called it. For the next 90 mins or so, I sat there in quiet amazement as to how lucky and fortunate I am. Things we take for granted every day these men get up every day and have to search for basic items that we stockpile in our lives and throw away at a moments notice. Yes, it is easy to forget the struggles people face everyday when you dont have to see them everyday. As our lunch drew to a close, I found myself more inspired by these 3 men and how they each are working towards better lives for themselves. I was also surprised as to how during lunch and as we were leaving the restaurant neither man ever asked me for a thing. I get hit up on every street in America by folks asking for something and these 3 men never asked for anything, including lunch as I had approached them. As we left, I thanked each man for his time and told them how much I enjoyed the conversation. It was certainly a blessing for me to be so inspired by how men who are faced with such adversity are still willing to fight every day and not give up. I found myself so inspired and emotional from the events that took place that I took a little time to set up a deal with that restaurant so that if those 3 men ever needed a meal in the next 30 days that they would receive it. When I told this to each of the three men, you would have thought I handed them a winning lottery ticket. Upon seeing their reaction I also set up accommodations at a nearby motel for them to stay for the next week. I certainly hope and pray that these 3 men are able to use what little I gave them and propel themselves one step closer to their goals. What those 3 men provided me was a chance to reflect on my own life and see the challenges I have faced in my own life and see how with the help of so many different people that I have been able to overcome obstacles that were in my way. Although The food and motel went to those 3 men, the Thanks I was trying to provide was to all of you who have helped me out at some point in my life. If you are here, then know you are so greatly appreciated and never forgotten. I took this journey to search out a place I had never seen and challenge myself to do something new and different along the way. Although I did reach my actual destination, what I found along the way was more rewarding than achieving the goal I sat out to accomplish when I left. A special thank you to my 3 new friends whom I only knew by their first name, John, Mark & David, and you who only knew me as Ben. I will likely never see you again, but I will keep you in my thoughts and I hope you will each reach your destination at some point in the future as well.
Posted on: Mon, 29 Sep 2014 15:13:58 +0000

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