Having just said what I am about to say already on someone elses - TopicsExpress


Having just said what I am about to say already on someone elses feed, I feel I should say it here once and for all: Im not a Scot. I am English. However, I honestly believe that the break-up of the union will harm all British people. We have strength in unity. The jingoistic rhetoric that I have heard is frankly unnecessary. OK, if the Scottish nation really does thinks itll be better off, then good luck and may you have a fair wind in your sails. I fear for the economy of Scotland once it has left the relative security of the United Kingdom. It is my firm belief that Scotland does not have the economic power to go-it-alone. There can be no currency union, there can be no European Union membership. Scotland will be relegated to the levels of a poor Eastern European non-EU state. Sure, the present bunch of politwats in London dont deserve to be given the time of day, but they can be voted out. Alex Salmond in my humble opinion is a self serving idiot who really doesnt appear to me to understand what he is doing other than having a massive egow@#K. Please forgive me saying-so. The Union of England, Scotland and Wales was no accident. It quietened feuding families both Royal and otherwise, but it also created a mini-superpower with the combined strength to fend off all foes, militarily and commercially for three hundred years. Why should that change? The fact the we are all in a union of three countries, does not mean that the three nations do not have their own identities, we do. Note two things, firstly I missed off Northern Ireland. Touchy that one, thanks to William of Orange. However, they are too part of the Union and as such make us all a little stronger. Secondly, I called Wales a country when it is technically a Principality whatever that may mean. Wales IS a country within the Union. We are separate nations within a UNION that is both politically and economically stronger as a union. Stay with us Scotland, keep us all strong.
Posted on: Thu, 11 Sep 2014 20:46:04 +0000

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