"He [Jesus Christ] had goings forth for His people as their - TopicsExpress


"He [Jesus Christ] had goings forth for His people as their representative before the throne even before they were begotten in the world. It was from everlasting that His mighty fingers grasped the pen, the stylus of ages, and wrote His own name, the name of the eternal Son of God. It was from everlasting that He signed the compact with His Father that He would pay blood for blood, wound for wound, suffering for suffering, agony for agony, and death for death on behalf of His people. It was from everlasting that He gave Himself up, without a murmuring word, that from the crown of His head to the sole of His foot He might sweat blood, that He might be spit upon, pierced, mocked, rent asunder, suffer the pain of death and the agonies of the cross. "His goings forth as our Surety were from everlasting. Pause, my soul, and wonder! You had going forth in the person of Jesus from everlasting. Not only when you were born into the world did Christ love you, but His delights were with the sons of men before there were any sons of men! Often did He think of them; from everlasting to everlasting He had set His affection upon them. What? Believer, has He been so long about your salvation and will He not accomplish it? Has He from everlasting been going forth to save me and will He lose me now? What? Has He had me in His hand, as His precious jewel, and will He now let me slip between His precious fingers? Did He choose me before the mountains were brought forth, or the channels of the deep were scooped out, and will He lose me now? Impossible! "I am sure He would not love me so long and then leave off loving me. If He intended to be tired of me, He would have been tired of me long before now. If He had not loved me with a love as deep as hell and as unutterable as the grave, if He had not given His whole heart to me, I am sure He would have turned from me long ago. He knew what I would be and He has had time enough to consider it-- but I am His choice and that is the end of it. "And unworthy as I am, it is not mine to grumble if He is but contented with me. And He is contented with me-- He must be contented with me-- for He has known me long enough to know my faults." Charles Spurgeon
Posted on: Mon, 19 Aug 2013 10:27:42 +0000

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