He Shall Bring it to Pass It’s nearing six months of - TopicsExpress


He Shall Bring it to Pass It’s nearing six months of unemployment for our family. Even though I have my ups and downs, I still wait faithfully on the Lord. There is a scripture which I love to consider in times like these: “Commit thy way unto the LORD; trust also in him; and he shall bring it to pass.” (Psalms 37:5 KJV) When we commit our ways unto the Lord, His ways then become our ways. We lift up our direction before Him, and allow ourselves to consider His path. “Lord, this is the direction I am headed, please open the doors that need to be opened and close the doors which need to be closed.” When we are trusting in him, we are standing on His promises. Our strength and ability fall away to allow His strength and ability to take over. Imagine a man pushing a wheelbarrow on a tight rope across a great divide. The plummet to the bottom of the chasm is unimaginably far. There is no safety net. You watch in breathless suspense as he takes each shaky step. Slowly, he pushes the wheelbarrow across the tight rope to the other side and back again. Triumphantly, he faces the crowd. “Do you believe I can do it again?” He asks. “Yes!” you cheer. “Do you really trust that I can do it without falling?” He encourages. “Yes!” the crowd bellows. “If you really trust me, and believe in my skill … then, get into the wheelbarrow.” He says, and the crowd drops silent. When we trust in the Lord, we choose to get into the wheelbarrow. We choose to allow Him to guide us across the great divides and chasms of our lives. And as a result, He shall bring it to pass. But, there’s more to that statement than you may think. There are different ways to read “He shall bring it to pass.” He may bring your way to pass. Your vision may line up with the Lord’s will and that is what comes to pass. Perhaps you arrive at your destination uneventfully. He may bring His way to pass. His vision and plan for you may be what comes to pass. Perhaps there are lessons yet to be learned on the journey to the other side. Maybe the Lord’s plan for you is unveiled in the journey, not the destination. Whatever your current lot in life is, be willing to get into that wheelbarrow and allow the Lord to guide your life. “Trust in the LORD with all thine heart; and lean not unto thine own understanding. In all thy ways acknowledge him, and he shall direct thy paths.” (Proverbs 3:5-6) Please Like and Share this message. You can make a difference!
Posted on: Mon, 27 Oct 2014 16:35:24 +0000

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