He gets NOTHING. IN THE SPIRIT OF - TopicsExpress


He gets NOTHING. IN THE SPIRIT OF TWENTY-ELEVEN 01.11.2011 James Edward Johnson Peaceful Warrior IN THE SPIRIT OF TWENTY-ELEVEN: A Crossroads or A Spiritual Sojourn: We, the American people, have been misused, not just, as citizens, consumers, or as constituents, but, as holy human beings. This involves Reaganomics, trickledown, just say no, new age, new world order, Katrina, never again, no child left behind, redistricting, Bu$h Jr.$ tax cut, reverse racism, lies, $ecret lie$, and more lie$ is the path we have been lured up & down in a misdirection of inflated confidence with iffy & vague misinformation. Here and now, we must pay attention, for common sense is in the house, to aid in our getting our house in order, because change is action & behavior with good intentions; even though, there is a hidden source of power from The Federal Reserve, for the great is the study of the past, simply, because We may be through with the past, but, the past is not through with us; for, we are the lives of wise and successful men & women, like valuable treasures of wisdom (and by applying the lessons of the ages to current, and past, events) or it is the sequel to The Count of Monte Christo. We must be adaptable, tactful, gentle, and cautious. When we seek abundance, we must understand that abundance is not just $ (dollars) & cents, it is having our wants and needs met easily; we must over understand that abundance is a sense of comfort & peace, nothing more and nothing less. Most of us have a natural ebullience which allows us to deal with almost anything with a boundless enthusiasm for life. We have an inner voice which speaks to us; I call mine intuition, and some refer to it as a psychic ability. But, listen, it is saying we, you, I are on the right path of life. We have endured with Confidence & Courage, the Intensity, the Exploration, and the Sacrifice (bibleversetoday/). We must enjoy ourselves as students of life morning, noon and night; if just to satisfy our own individual personal growth. I strive to express my vision politically & artistically. I can accept my history (where do we go from here?) to create a future. Is this a paradox? Let us call it Harmony; a juxtaposition which denotes peace and blessings for all living things, since, flexibility and adaptation bring about order (as in put your house in order) & growth (self-integrity & maturity) which is not just manifested, it is maintained. Most people are vigilant; I am hyper-vigilant: I am invulnerable to ego and invisible to self, yet, I am... A student of life, educated and indoctrinated, in the Discipline in the School of God bibleversetoday/: with the courage, the intensity, the exploration, and the sacrifice to soften our perceptions which will reveal the gulf between our feelings and reality; for the sake of change we must utilize tact, wisdom, depth, and clarity which maintains integrity and leaves a whiff of freedom in the air and a taste for new and different experiences, and will test the bonds of a few relationships, as it opens the way for a more relaxed attitude for all involved. And when the fun breaks out, it enlivens our 7th House of Partnerships where there are no rigid agendas, nor restrictive rules. Nothing matters, as the way is opening to more opportunities for romance. Whatever is done is done with a dash of style and a touch of subtlety... just think about what will please the other person, and do that expecting nothing in return. Give and you shall receive, and two dance in the 5th House of Romance, to take said romance to the next level. It is ok to expand ones field of vision, as each seek that worthy companion; never hopeless for intimacy in our 8th House of Deep Sharing; so, take a risk by exploring unfamiliar & unknown emotional & social territory to manifest the love we seek...is the heart of the issue and it is time for a greater understanding of self and others, by making this a time for spiritual realizations, rather than a negative attitude. Some events are certain to test your, our, my ability to maintain integrity. The power of joy is not to be underestimated, because, brief is life, but, love is long-Alfred Lord Tennyson. For many of us love is the most important thing in the world, but, we have problems finding a soulmate. Kindness & consideration begets more affectionate feelings, spiritual guidance, and spiritual principles. It is very important to be tolerant of others, just as it is important to stand up for ones self and faith. When it comes to love and romance, like others, I am, from time to time, misunderstood, as a lot of misunderstandings come about because of emotional and romantic matters. In matters of the heart, it is very necessary to, give and receive, direct honesty, for, it nullifies unnecessary bluntness; and allows for spontaneity and love; an expansion of greater freedom and independence, since, dreams are the touchstones of our character; for Creativity, Expansion, Persistence, and Responsibility. And possibly, like you, I wonder sometimes why I am attracted to the thrill of uncertainty? I awake to extricate heartfelt and hurtful tendencies because, it is for love & romance in an unexpected outburst of emotion; this is very necessary to stop the pull of conserve vs. the pull of give. This disharmonious NESS affects both friendship and romance. In matters of the heart things become stagnant, things are utilized as a treacle, there is usually diversion, and there are qualms about comfort and security; all of this is done inf the realm of seeking a relationship, yet, no one expresses their emotions or feelings directly to the other for many it is beat-around-bush-time; and, the only time it is addressed it is done with unnecessary bluntness. When on a quest for unconditional love those on such a sojourn are enthused with a taste for adventure. They are motivated with practicality and a sensible approach to life; they do this with a creative vision, or, to save the world, one person at a time; it is a moral issue. Some people live in Follywood, even though, we all have family, some blood relatives, some loving friends; they are great people we choose to be with; where all are going in different directions, each taking with them boredom, inefficiency, feelings of irritation, and the power of an unusual friend? While on my sojourn for romance, intimacy, and passion, I strive to always make it better with creativity, imagination, expression, and patient understanding; all the while giving a piece of my passion; which is my creative writing which reflects passion, intensity, power, and drive. Those of us residing in Follywood do not know how to deal with emotional & intellectual misunderstandings; they seem not to realize that these are adjustments, and are very beneficial to all involved. God blessed me with a tendency to speak my mind, and it will upset some, but...I am aware that the strength of my emotions and feelings confuse some folk, yet, it serves a positive purpose overall, for praise and admiration come from friends and relatives, especially in moments of love. Follywoodians are kings & queens of paradoxes, like positive potential and commited to the truth, persistence, creativity, responsibility, and expansion, this is first & foremost in their 7th House of Relationships; mistakenly. I have heard that on the exact day I was born, a very powerful and influential angel was watching over me and gave me the intellectual and spiritual qualities that I embody now; I was given special blessings, but, the most significant blessing I received that day was my ability to reconnect wth the very same angel who was watching over me on my day of birth, here and now; in the power of now (that angel is the Archangel Gabriel; Psalm 91:). I strive to inspire education and the development of ones character, feelings of the heart, and to let go of frustration, resistance, and regret. I am so ready for my next great adventure; and I am thinking, as this is what I learned in my 4th House of Roots about my 2nd House of Self-Worth concerning my 5th House of Self-Expression, in my 6th House of Immediate Environment.
Posted on: Sat, 15 Nov 2014 19:32:07 +0000

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