“He was asleep in the back of the boat and they awakened Him - TopicsExpress


“He was asleep in the back of the boat and they awakened Him asking, Teacher, don’t you care that we are perishing?” Ok. In mind, under our breath or out loud, we’ve all asked the same question: “Don’t you care?” It’s a little less accusatory than, “Don’t you love me?” but not much. It’s the last card we have to play when things are tough. When things aren’t going our way, deliverance is not coming fast enough, or from the direction we think it should be coming from… we flash the question – cast the aspersion – hoping to get a reaction – hoping to “wake Him up” to our situation… because, of course, He must not care… He’s asleep… There is a word in our verse that we often misread – that holds a real key to the whole issue of “trials of life!” The word is simply, Teacher. Many of the translations use the word Master… but in our vernacular that is a closer equivalent to “Lord, Ruler, Master.” But the word used in the text is clearly, “Instructor, teacher, master – as in “mastery,” Ph.D, of the information downloading…” And so the Teacher is there with His students in the classroom… He has prepared them for whatever is on the test... He has given the instructions… He waits on the students to come up with the answer to the test… He takes a nap… In this case, the real life classroom is the sea of Galilee… the room starts rolling... they cant hear themselves thinking... they rush to the desk of the Teacher and cry out… He stands up… calls off the test… the room stops rolling… and He turns to His students and asks – “How is it that with what you know you couldn’t come up with the answer? You were present on the days I was teaching you about faith in God! What happened?” The devo thot is simple… No matter which real life classroom we are in and facing the test, we are there with the Teacher, who has an expectation that we will exercise the “material” He has taught, modeled, and affirmed. He is there, and He is not deeply concerned about the “test” because it’s only a test. And His peace; peace and calm enough to sleep in the midst of it, His trust that “we have this” should stir our faith rather than frighten us. The Teacher has faith that we have the faith to overcome the trouble. And when we see Him as the Teacher, present, masterful in the download, intentional in the pre-testing, trusting the material He has put into us, then we begin to better understand Him as Lord, Ruler, Master! Tests do that! They prove to us what we know, and, just who the Teacher is! Think about it…
Posted on: Wed, 02 Apr 2014 11:50:54 +0000

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