He who responds quickest does not often win in the workplace or in - TopicsExpress


He who responds quickest does not often win in the workplace or in social settings... Remember you have a cerebral cortex with on the order of a billion cells. These brain cells allow for rational thought, evaluation and the scrutiny of different perspectives. Pausing for a moment before you respond will allow you to make use of this portion of the brain. Try to respond instantly, while in a state of anger, disgust or some other negative posture, you wont be using the cortex; youll be using the lizard brain, the portion that processes the fight or flight information. The quality of decisions is much inferior from this section of the brain. It serves us well when faced with eminent danger, not so well in todays social environment (or in the workplace). Between stimulus & response there is a space. In that brief space is our chance to choose our response. Our freedom to be better lies there...
Posted on: Thu, 14 Nov 2013 00:57:56 +0000

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