Healed Do you believe that God is your healer? It saddens me - TopicsExpress


Healed Do you believe that God is your healer? It saddens me that so many people - especially Christians - do not have this revelation. Many categorise sickness as Gods teaching tool or the consequence of sin, but if this were true wed all be sick and dying! Job is an interesting study on the question of sickness. The accusation and actions of Satan, the kindness of God, the experiences of Job and the advice of so-called comforters, play out in this Shakespearean-like story of sudden and devastating loss. Jobs friends had differing ideas about why all the ruin had come upon him. One declared that Jobs sickness was his own fault - otherwise, God would have healed him. Another attempted to persuade him that the sickness was Gods will. Neither of these are the truth when it comes to healing and God. Among His many names is Jehovah Rapha - the Lord that Heals. Exodus 15:26 declares, I am the Lord who heals you- Gods will for us is healing and wholeness; nothing missing, nothing broken. Job refused to lower his beliefs to the level of his experience, choosing instead to stand firm on who he knew God to be. The outcome for Job was total healing and the restoration of all he had lost, twice over. Remember, John 10:10 says that Satan comes ONLY to steal, kill and destroy but Jesus gave us a better covenant - not law, but grace. Jesus provided a life of abundance to enjoy in overflowing measure. Sickness is part of the curse (Deuteronomy 28); health and wholeness belong to the blessed life. Are you sick? Have you received a negative health report? I have great news! Your healing is at hand - the hand of YOUR Healer. Allow Gods Word to restore your body as you lean into His everlasting arms. PRAYER: Father, You are my Healer. I know that You can do everything, and that no purpose of Yours can be withheld from You. Just like Job, I look to You for my healing and trust that You will take care of me - spirit, soul and body.
Posted on: Mon, 27 Jan 2014 03:09:48 +0000

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