Healing Hospitals The church is a hospital; just as - TopicsExpress


Healing Hospitals The church is a hospital; just as we may go to a physical hospital complete with its emergency room for physical healing- so the church is a hospital for spiritual healing. The “church” is the people, which meet in any kind of structure. I was blessed with the opportunity in church formation to have hosted close to 40 church members in my 2 bedroom apartment for nearly 3 months. Sometimes, peoples spiritual healing begins in a physical hospital through drug rehab or psychiatric stabilization to name a few; and even in those times there are hospital chaplains to help kick-start that spiritual renewal and rebirth. For most of us, however, the church was our spiritual hospital. The closest word in scripture to the word “hospital” is “hospitality.” 1st Peter 4:8-9 tells us to “love each other deeply, because love covers a multitude of sins. Offer hospitality to one another without grumbling.” We are the torchbearers of the one way, one truth, and one light; we are ambassadors and representatives of Jesus…Christ-like of “Christian.” We are the point of contact for a hurting world that needs hope, we are the hands and hearts which God has to reach out to others within our communities. There should be a sign at the exit of each church which reads that “you are now entering the mission field” and a sign at the entrance which reads “welcome to the home of healing.” It is God who works through us, to make everything that seems impossible, possible. Romans 12:13 tells us to “share with Gods people who are in need. Practice hospitality.” We all have needs. When we go to a physical hospital, we need physical healing. When we come to our places of worship, we need each other. Many may claim that they read the bible and don’t need to go to church; however, we need that witness of one another as we share not only in our joys, but in our pains and sorrows. We can learn from one another; and the lost, the lonely- they can begin to see transformation in their lives as they see what the Holy Spirit has done through others- and they realize that they can be part of that transformation too….and it’s something that they begin to strive for. Let’s pray: Heavenly Father, bless this day and forgive us all of our faults and weaknesses in judgment-we thank you for sending your only son Jesus, to shed his blood for our sins; and we give thanks that today is a new day and truly a gift from you-and that our sins have been forgiven as white as snow-we claim healing in Jesus’ name…..AMEN
Posted on: Thu, 06 Jun 2013 21:19:35 +0000

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