[Health] Smart Meters Are Dangerous, especially in Meshed-Networks - TopicsExpress


[Health] Smart Meters Are Dangerous, especially in Meshed-Networks by Jerry Flynn - November 10, 2014 To Anyone Seeking the Truth, Subject: Smart Meters Are Dangerous, especially in Meshed-Networks Before anyone can render an informed, science-based decision that can withstand serious scrutiny on the safety to humans and other life forms of wireless Smart Meters and the harmful continuous, low-level, pulsed, non-thermal microwave radiation (“radiation”) they emit, one must first realize how exquisitely sensitive is the human brain. It can detect man-made radiation at intensities as low as 10-15 W/cm2 (one quadrillionth of a W/cm2), a value well below sensitivities currently realisable technologically!” [1] [2] An established and fully developed “Meshed-Networked” community poses far more of a threat to humans and all living things than does any other single microwave-emitting device now in any community – by virtue of the incalculable amount of radiation those communities will be blanketed with, not only from the Smart Meters but from the literally thousands of “Smart Appliances” utilities envisage – but never speak about - being in all communities (see below). Readers should note that on Feb. 6, 2013, a major study was done by Pike Research in the U.S. on the sales of “Smart Appliances,” which compared the 2012 sales of USD $613-million to projected sales in 2020 of USD $34.9-Billion! That, in part, is what is behind industry’s and government’s push for Smart Meters! pikeresearch/newsroom/smart-appliance-market-to-reach-nearly-35-billion-annually-by-2020 Authorities everywhere need to note that, if they believe and accept what electric utilities tell them – that Smart Meters are harmless – and then render their decision on what industry has told them, they will be committing an absolute crime against humanity – for they will be inflicting upon the inhabitants of even the smallest “meshed-networked” community – of just 500 homes - some incalculably dense cloud of toxic microwave radiation spewing 24/7/365 – in perpetuity - from more than 8,500 new pulsing microwave transmitters that are not now in a community (see evidence below)! Until one sees the irrefutable evidence (below), one is asked to accept for the moment the premise that all four of the so-called ‘standard-setting’ agencies of the world today, who are charged with establishing ‘safe’ radiation Exposure Limits, are nakedly corrupt, referring to the WHO, ICNIRP, IEEE and the FCC. Their counterparts in Health Canada, Industry Canada and at least British Columbia’s Provincial Health Officer are all equally guilty of knowingly not protecting the public! On May 27, 2011, the world’s 2nd largest democracy (second only to India), the Council of Europe (47 countries, 800-million people) urged all its member countries to “reconsider” their reliance on ICNIRP’s radiation Exposure Limits (which are virtually identical to Health Canada’s, WHO’s, IEEE’s, FCC’s) which are now considered obsolete as they recognize only THERMAL radiation and ignore entirely NON-THERMAL radiation. They also counselled ICNIRP to revise its standards in order to protect the public, especially pregnant women and children. [3] “Thousands of scientific studies proved at least four decades ago, and have continued to prove, that EMFs are undeniably, often devastatingly harmful for the bodies of humans, trees, the atmosphere, etc.” [4][6] World-respected scientists know that radiation from all sources (e.g., baby monitors, cell phones, cell towers, cordless phones, Wi-Fi routers, 2,000-plus military, scientific and commercial satellites, AM and FM transmitters, tablet and laptop computers, remote control units, Wi-Fi and WiMAX zones, TV games etc.) is all cumulative, just as smoke thickens in a room as more smoking people enter the room. [5] So whatever obscene amount of radiation spews from Smart Meters in Meshed-Networked communities simply adds to that which already existed before Smart Meters appeared. See also the BioInitiative 2012 Report, which was prepared by 29 authors from ten countries, ten holding medical degrees (MDs), 21 PhDs, and three MsC, MA or MPHs. [6] Authorities need to realize that inside every Smart Meter are two (2) microwave radio transmitter, receiver and antenna circuits, both of which emit low-level, pulsed, non-thermal microwave radiation – which even the corrupt WHO [7] acknowledged in 2011 was a “possible” cause of cancer, classifying it as a 2B carcinogen. One of the transmitters, the LAN or Local Area Network, emits its radiation - in all directions - on a frequency of 910 MHz for a distance of 3 km or 2 miles! This means that each LAN irradiates every home in a community and, in turn, is irradiated by every other home’s LAN in the community! But being as microwave signals are ‘line of sight,’ the ‘meshed-network’ (explained below) is engineered such that all Smart Meters rely on multiple-to-hundreds to even-many-hundreds of relays before a home’s electricity consumption data can reach the utility. These relays occur on each and every transmission – in both directions – thus adding incalculably to the amount of radiation all homes must bear. “Meshed-networks,” as utilities call them, are communities of homes connected together wirelessly via Smart Meter LAN transmitters. They can range in size from 500 to 5,000 homes. The second transmitter inside every Smart Meter is the quintessential Trojan Horse, which utilities call the “ZigBee.” It emits its radiation - in all directions - on the microwave oven frequency of 2.4 GHz and radiates for approximately 250 feet! The ZigBee is there for one reason only: to control and operate the 15-or-so “Smart Appliances” electric utilities envisage being in every home of tomorrow. Note: Smart Appliances all have their own ZigBee-compatible transmitter, receiver and antenna radio circuit enabling each to communicate its individual consumption data to the utility, via the ZigBee radio and, in turn, receive instructions from the utility via the ZigBee radio circuitry. Pacific Gas and Electric, San Diego Gas and Electric and Silver Springs Networks have all admitted that Smart Meters are active almost constantly throughout the day/night in perpetuity – contrary to what all electric utilities tell governments and the public! [8] [9] From just the above, it can be seen that in even the smallest ‘meshed-community’ of just 500 homes, there will suddenly be over 8,500 radio transmitters (500 LANs + 500 ZigBees plus 7,500 ZigBee-compatible Smart Appliances {500 homes x 15 appliances per home}) all of which will emit harmful low-level, pulsed, non-thermal microwave radiation throughout each and every day in perpetuity! And of these 8,500 microwave transmitters, 7,500 of them will be INSIDE your home radiating on you and your family – as well as spying on you! And none of them can be shut off! Utilities expect that the largest communities (5,000 homes) will have over 85,000 microwave-spewing transmitters (5,000 LANs, 5,000 ZigBees and 75,000 Smart Appliances)! Because every appliance’s consumption data reports, and the instructions each appliance receives from the utility, requires incessant relaying activity 24/7/365 in perpetuity – in both directions – it means that every home’s LAN transmitter will be active, i.e., radiating, constantly throughout each and every day. Contrast this reality with what the electric utilities say. And this relaying activity, which is never mentioned by any utility, is on top of what utilities would consider is the ‘network’s’ normal radio activity. Utilities also disgracefully mislead and deceive the public into believing that the radiation emitted by a Smart Meter is harmless, saying that the Smart Meter (always speaking as if it had just one transmitter) is active for a total of less than one minute per day. As has been proven in a court of law, just the LAN transmitter alone emits on average 12,000 pulses to a peak of 190,000 pulses per day. And it is the nature of pulsed radiation that it is particularly harmful to all organs of the body! The U.S. and Soviet-now-Russian militaries and scientists have long known that pulsed radiation is more harmful to organs and tissues of the body than is continuous wave radiation. They liken pulsed radiation to a jack-hammer against a human’s infinitesimally weak direct current electrical system. [10] Authorities should also note that electric utilities have consistently demonstrated absolutely no regard for the health and well-being of the public, for it is not their policy to first conduct base-line studies to determine what level of radiation is already in a community to see if it is SAFE to install a ‘meshed-network.’ Responsible, caring utilities would be cognizant of current radiation Exposure Limits and know that radiation – from all sources – is cumulative! Instead, they have proven themselves to be single-mindedly determined to install their Smart Meters regardless of the legitimate concerns informed people everywhere raise! Electric utilities also never mention “dirty electricity’ caused by the ‘Switched Mode Power Supply’ in every Smart Meter. Both the BioIntiative 2012 Report and Dr. Sam Milham, MD, MPH report that Dirty Electricity is very harmful to humans and all living things. electromagnetichealth.org/electromagnetic-health-blog/sam-milham/ Household Fires. No utility anywhere has admitted culpability for the inexplicable fires that have erupted in and around Smart Meters in every jurisdiction in which Smart Meters have been installed, nor has one accepted financial responsibility to repair damages done to homes’ electrical appliances or to the homes themselves. Homes have been known to burn to the ground. Honest, decent authorities anywhere, those having the health and well-fare of the public as their foremost concern, can only render one decision. History will record your decision and judge you accordingly. Sincerely, James G. (“Jerry”) Flynn, Captain (Retired) [1] planningsanity.co.uk/reports/cost281.htm#TOP_Link [2] engineering.mit.edu/ask/can-brain-waves-interfere-radio-waves [3] microwavenews/short-takes-archive/council-europe-urges-precaution [4] weness.org/emfs/effects-electromagnetic-fields.html [5] norad4u/knowledge/studies [6] bioinitiative.org [7] emfacts/2005/07/comments-on-repacholi-charade/ [8] emfsafetynetwork.org/?page_id=872 [9] stopsmartmeters.org/2011/09/15/utility-and-smart-meter-tech-company-executives-get-grilled-by-the-public/ [10] magdahavas/pick-of-the-week-12-why-pulsed-microwave-frequencies-are-more-harmful/ Prepared by Jerry Flynn ================================================= National Day Of Action Against Smart Meters with Jerry Flynn by CSTinBC - YouTube - October 21, 2012: - youtube/watch?v=c-F3nf47kAs
Posted on: Wed, 12 Nov 2014 09:43:47 +0000

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