Heard of this story, a unique way to drop a tree? Some villagers - TopicsExpress


Heard of this story, a unique way to drop a tree? Some villagers in the Solomon Islands in the South Pacific have learned how to conquer the really big ones. If a tree is too large to be felled with an axe, the natives cut it down by yelling at it. Just at dawn these woodsmen sneak up on a tree and suddenly scream at it at the top of their lungs. They do this every day for 30 days, and the tree dies and falls over. The theory is that yelling kills the spirit of the tree. According to the villagers, it always works. Felling by yelling. Sounds crazy, doesn’t it? Crazy enough to be true. It work on kids, spouses, your subordinates too. Consider this... A 10 year child lost his baseball glove in the practice. He wasn’t very happy about losing his glove, but still managed to keep his good disposition around with the other guys. He was even pleasant when he called his dad and told him truthfully what had happened. His dad got out of the car, and his first words were, “Hello, stupid.” He went on talking and walking, backing the child into a frightened ball against the phone booth. “So you lost your glove, stupid?” “Do you think I’m gonna buy you another glove, stupid?” After a several more choice insults, the dispirited, humiliated child was ordered to his car, while others were left speechless. One can imagine the change in his countenance, the fear in his eyes, and the sick feeling he goes through. The child was never seen again for the practice sessions. All because of words. All because of yelling. There are other ways, of course, to kill a person’s spirit. Some people just don’t like hollering. In fact, they don’t like talking at all. They practice “felling by shelling.” They build a shell around their hearts and hang a “Keep Out” sign on the outside. They’re too busy, too tired, too angry, too important, too arrogant, too scared, too… too… too…. Felling by shelling takes longer, but it’s much more destructive because you can’t always see it coming. Felling by yelling is death by design. Felling by shelling is death by neglect. You don’t intend to ignore your wife or husband. You don’t mean to be too tired for your kids. You don’t plan to isolate yourself from your friends. You don’t plan to neglect your team. But somewhere over a period of time they come to the conclusion that they don’t have much to offer you. And one day you wake up to discover that the people you love have given their hearts to someone or something else. Someone or something that made them feel wanted. And you realize that the shell that was keeping everybody else out is now holding you in your own stupid, silent prison. Learning: People need communication. Honest, open, warm, vulnerable, fun, humble, happy, interested, patient, understanding, attentive, deep, quiet, quality, loving communication. Without it, their spirits die silently. They don’t need to be blasted nor can they can’t survive being ignored. Is anything falling in your forest?
Posted on: Sat, 16 Aug 2014 16:04:16 +0000

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