Heat of Passion Part 37 Lisas pov I sighed as I looked - TopicsExpress


Heat of Passion Part 37 Lisas pov I sighed as I looked down at my already token Pregnancy test. I wonder if Chris really did want this baby. I know It wasnt supposed to happen like this. I sighed and picked up the phone and dialed his number. Shay answered instead. (Phone convo) Me:Hello.. Shay:Hey Lisa u ok is the baby ok??? Me:...Yeah I just wanted to talk to Chris and maybe you if thats ok... I heard her call Chris Shay:Its fine let me put you on speaker... I heard her pushing the buttons and I soon found myself on speaker. Them:So whats up Me:I was thinking...Should I really keep this baby I really dont want anything to brake your family up and I dont wanna be the cause of yall problems. I heard someone sigh Shay:Lisa where is this coming from.. Me:No where I was just thinking Them:Well stop it I broke into tears... Me:I cant do that...its my fault that yall are even going through something like this. Im so sorry Shay I didnt even know and I should have asked questions but I didnt Shay:Lisa stop it...everything is gonna be fine. Stay positive. We all know thats Chriss baby but he still wants the D.N.A test but if it comes back that the baby is his you have his help every step of the way and to make sure he helps you out. She took a pause... Shay:Your gonna stay with us your first 6 weeks until you heal... I didnt say anything. Why was I even so stupid to not even ask something?!?!?! Chris:Lisa you there Me:Y-Yeah look Im sorry I called I better go to bed...Ive cause enough problems for today. Shay:Lisa stop it...Where do you live. I told her where I stay Shay:ill be there in 15 ok be sure to close to the door. I sighed... Me:Ok I hit end and laid on the couch with my pillow and blanket. I just wanted to give my baby up for adoption and let him/her be happy... ~20 min later~ I was almost asleep when I heard the door bell. I got up and opened the door and there stood Shay. Me:...Hi Shay She gave me a smile as I let her in. She handed me a bag of Wendys and something to drink. Shay:Sorry it took me so long I stopped and got you something to eat if thats fine with you. I smiled shutting the door. Me:Thanks Shay:No problem She said as she sat on the couch. Shay:I wanna talk to you I felt fear just fill my body from head to toe. Me:About... Shay:The baby I sighed and sat down next to her and began to eat. Me:I was thinking of giving my baby up for adoption so you guys would be ok and move on with yalls life. She frowned. Shay:No there is NO way your giving that baby up. She put her hand on my stomach. Shay:I dont even care what happened between you and Chris all that matters and that baby. I will get over yalls old relationship cause you know now hes married and he has a family. I nodded understanding where she was coming from. Me:Ok Shay:Whats your take on this...where do u wanna go or what do you want to do. Me:Shay Im only 26 I live on my own and its hard enough to make my bills on time. I dont think its ok to bring a baby into all of this...Im not ready...I dont want my baby to go hungry. I sighed putting my nuggets down and whipped my tears away. She hugged me. Shay:Chris and I are gonna be there every step of the way. Ima make sure you and that baby is ok. I smiled and hugged her back. Me:but I dont want to put this on yall this is what I get... Shay:No Lisa stop being hard on yourself . your fine. Everything is gonna be fine. We got you till the end. It takes a lot in a woman to say that she was wrong and I respect you for that but stop being so hard on yourself. Your fine. Chris and I are looking for a new place and we are gonna move you outta here. I smiled. Me:Are you sure Shay:Im positive...So start packing and we are both gonna come by tomorrow and pick you up so we can go house shopping. I smiled... Me:Thank you Shay Shay:your welcome. She got up and left I locked the door behind her and finished my food. I just hope things get better before my baby gets here. I went upstairs and went to sleep after a while. I just pray to God that things get better and I dont let my baby down. Chriss pov After hearing what Lisa had to say there was no way I was letting her give my baby up. I was glad Shay went to talk to her. I just hope Shay can forgive me for this. I truly hurt her and I know it. As I laid in the bed I heard the door open and shut. Me:How did it go Shay:It went great...shes gonna keep the baby I smiled kissing my wife because she always knows what to say to someone in their time of need. Me:Shay baby Im so sorry. Shay:Baby its fine..we are taking her house shopping with us and shes having trouble paying bills. I really think u should help her out with the new home thing. I nodded..She was right it was the least I could do for treating her like that. We kissed and called it a night. I prayed to God that baby and Lisa will be ok... Ashaas pov I have been sleeping all day and Im still tired. I looked over and saw August laying next to me and I snuggled under him and he wrapped her arms around me and I ended up falling back asleep wanting day 1 of this to be over. Treys pov Melissa and Breanna and I have been out all day. We had a blast. We called it Family day. I really wanted Melissa to come back home. I had dropped them both off to Melissas mom house about 2 hours ago and I sent flowers to her in the morning so when she wakes up she can start off her day right. I cant wait to have her home in my arms again and this time I promise Im not letting her go for nothing. Shes always gonna be mine. I smiled getting ready for and calling it a night.
Posted on: Wed, 05 Nov 2014 01:47:09 +0000

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