Heath Benefits of Mangos Mango, full of nutrients, flavor, - TopicsExpress


Heath Benefits of Mangos Mango, full of nutrients, flavor, sweetness; is considered as King of Fruits. The fruit is enrich in phytochemicals, polyphenols, vitamins, carotenoids, antioxidants, omega-3 and 6, etc. It is one of the best gifts due to its multiple uses in the form of Chutneys, Pickles, Lachcha, Mango juice, Mango shakes, Panna, Mango jelly, Mango lassi, Aamras, amchur, Smoothies, Ice cream. 1. Fights Cancer Research shows that mango contains antioxidant compounds, which help protect against leukemia and cancers of the breast, colon, and prostate. These include quercetin, astragalin, isoquercitrin, fisetin, methyl gallate, gallic acid, and other enzymes. 2. Reduces Cholesterol Mangos contain high levels of pectin, vitamin C, and fiber, which help reduce serum cholesterol levels, especially LDL (bad) cholesterol. 3. Controls Diabetes The juice from boiled mango leaves is used as a home remedy to help reduce insulin levels in the blood. Eating mango fruit does not cause spikes in blood sugar levels because it has a low glycemic index. 4. Prevents Heat Stroke Green mango juice with water and sweetener helps cool down the body during summer, thus preventing heat stroke. 5. Maintains Alkali Mangos contain tartaric, malic, and citric acids, which help maintain the body’s alkali reserve. 6. Boosts Immune System Mangos contain generous amounts of vitamins A and C, plus various kinds of carotenoids or antioxidants, which keep the immune system strong. 7. Benefits Skin Mangos are rich in beta-carotene, which is converted to vitamin A, a nutrient that helps prevent dull skin and acne. The fruit can also be used externally on the skin to eliminate pimples and clear up clogged pores. 8. Protects Eyes A cup of mangoes provides 25% of the daily value of vitamin A, which prevents dry eyes and night blindness and promotes good eyesight.
Posted on: Thu, 03 Jul 2014 13:02:02 +0000

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