Heavenly Father, Thank You so much for Your Son, Jesus Christ of - TopicsExpress


Heavenly Father, Thank You so much for Your Son, Jesus Christ of Nazareth, who died such a horrific death because of each of our sins. Thank You for the Holy Spirit who guides and directs us and we pray that each saved person in our midst bears the wondrous fruits of the Spirit. Fill us, Lord, with peace, joy, love, kindness, gentleness, meekness, and longsuffering. Make us stronger in You so that each of us shine brightly in Your love. We pray that when the unsaved look upon us, they see so much of You that they, too, desire Your mercy and salvation. As we approach 9-11, Father, we pray for our national security. We ask that you give peace to the broken hearted who lost family members during this terrible tragedy thirteen years ago. As evidenced by the prayer request of Sandra Hughes, we bring our nation before you, Father, with a desire that You will place Christian leaders in roles where the nation of Israel receives protection and Your mercy. We pray that during this time of unease and uproar in the Middle East, Father, that You will bless the United States and bring about full restoration of the church and family. Father, bring lost souls into Your kingdom and provide healing for our nation and for our world. In addition to our prayers for healing on a large scale, Father, we also bring individual needs before You tonight. Christy Hughes is heartbroken for one of her co-workers who is in dire need of Your healing. Touch this person, Father. Bring this person to You and use this life for Your glory. Several need Your touch for healing of vision (eyes). We bring before You---VG Combs, Jenna Lou Combs, Christene Toler, Dolly Napier, Sue Epple, Kenneth Holland, and Rositas mother. VG has had surgery for cataracts and is scheduled for another surgery soon. Jenna Lou is suffering from a detached retina. Christene has double vision and so does Dolly Napier. Christene is scheduled for surgery on her left eye on Friday and is scheduled for surgery on her right eye on Monday. Her sister, Sue Epple, is also scheduled for cataract surgery. Rositas mother receives shots for her eyes and needs Your healing. Kenneth Holland received a bad acid burn on his eyes today and needs You to soothe his pain, Father. Thank you so much for saving Kenneths eyesight. Father, we pray for each eye belonging to each person mentioned above. Spread Your mercy and love on each of these people and heal their eyesight so they can enjoy Your beautiful creation. We received a healing request from Malena Combs. She asked us to bring prayer before You for Brenda Cox, Polly Ann Cox, Deanna Mobelini, and Happy Mobelini. Although we are unaware of the specific needs of each of these precious people, Lord, You know all about each need. Meet each need, Father, and go before each of these people as they seek help for their illness. Father, we ask that You bless and heal the mothers of Mildred Terry and Bonnie Rentas. Mildreds mother is having a light run down her neck to check for cancer. We trust You, Father, and have faith, that results will be non-cancerous. Bonnies mother is very sick and needs Your mercy and healing touch. Just touch each of these precious ladies and heal their bodies. Melissa Hendrickson and her daughter, Sabrina, seek Your healing touch. Sabrina has been suffering from flu symptoms and Melissa is suffering with allergies. Father, we ask that You touch both mother and child, heal any sinus issues, and take away any future issues either may have with allergies and sinuses. Also heal little Sabrina from the flu and keep her healthy. Use these answered prayers for Your glory, Father! Several other children are in need of Your comfort tonight! Bless little Jacob Everage, who is at UK Hospital. He is suffering pain from a drainage tube he received in surgery. Ease his pain and heal his little body. Be with Matt and Misty. Give them the strength to get through this and show them, Father, that You are the one who gets the glory for each successful surgery. Heal this child and let all the glory be given to YOU! We received a request for a one year old child who is suffering from seizures and fever. Touch this child---take away any future possibility of seizures and make this child well. Brooke Langdon has been experiencing breathing difficulties. Heal this childs lungs, Father. Allow her to breathe easily and enjoy every breath that You give her. Kim Hall has a student who was sent to Lexington with a blood clot in the lung. Heal this child, Father. You know who the child is and only You know all of her needs. Meet each need, Father, and let this be another soul who turns to You and follows You throughout a lifetime. Little Dalton Day needs a healing. Doctors havent made a diagnosis, but are still running tests. We pray that Dalton is healed of any physicall illness he may be suffering. We bring Chub before You tonight, Father. He is on life support! Heal his body and turn his life around. His children need him, Father just as we need You, our Father in Heaven. Give this man back to his family and we ask that the Holy Spirit reveal Your Son to him. We need this man in Your fold, Father. Bruce Hall has been diagnosed with diabetes. He is suffering with pain in his joints (knees, back, and hips). Father, You have healed diabetes before and we have Faith and Trust that You will touch Bruce and heal him of this terrible disease. Father, we know that You have a purpose, and we trust that You will work with Bruce and have all things work together for his good. Kendras friend is going to Lexington to visit doctor and to schedule surgery for a later date. Father, we pray for safety in traveling as well as for healing for this young person. You know the need and You are always present. Go before this person and have it all worked out before he or she even arrives, Lord! Heather Epple, Christenes niece, is in need of healing, Father. Relieve any pain she may be suffering from and help her to strongly meet this illness with faith and trust in You. Go before her, Lord, and meet her every need whether it be emotional, physical, and/or spiritual . Tammy Patrick Williams seeks healing for her and her family tonight. Bless them and bring good health to their family, Lord. We praise YOU and thank You for each blessing you bestow upon this family. There is a certain man at UK that Mike and Myla requested prayer for that needs healing. Work in this situation tonight, Lord, and send a band of angels throughout each eastern KY hospital and central KY hospital and surround those in need of healing. Touch them, Father, and provide peace for so many families who are facing trouble tonight. Carol Bowling requested prayer for Martha Ray Combs who is in ICU and is struggling for life. Bless and provide mercy for Martha Ray and this unknown man as well as so many others who are lying in their beds begging for Your mercy and healing. Father, we thank You for Your will to heal and we pray that Your will actively touch the many who are suffering tonight. Tony Gibsons cousin, Wade Gibson, is really ill with cancer. Touch this man and let Your will move in his favor. Heal his body of this terrible disease if it be in Your will. Bless and provide peace for his family this evening. Fred and Helen, from Galilean Childrens Home, are facing this terrible disease with Helens mother tonight. She has been sent to Texan to an oncologist in hopes of being healed. Father, thank You for providing us with specialists and medical care to treat us and sometimes cure us, but we must never forget that Your healing is so much more powerful than any advancement in medical technology. Along with medical assistance, Father, we plead for healing for each of these families. Alene Campbell Southwood is scheduled for surgery on the 17th. This surgery had to be rescheduled because her glucose levels were too high. Father, thank You for allowing this raise in glucose level to cause an alert signal to stop the surgery. Thank You for protecting Alene. As she prepares for the rescheduled surgery, Father, we pray that her glucose level is under control and that You go before her and guide the hands of the surgeons and give the medical team wisdom to treat her in a way that leads to healing. Father, we just received an URGENT request for Junior Noble. He was hurt at work. This is Kraus brother and he needs YOU. His arm is hurt and his shoulder is also hurt. He cant move his arm, Father. Guide the ER doctors and provide Jr. the treatment he needs to overcome this injury. Lord, we trust You and have faith that You are there now. Bless those with him and give them peace. Once again, we have several families who have lost their fight with illness and disease and are left grieving for lost loved ones this evening. Bless each of these families, Lord, and as they face the hardest times of their lives. We ask for Your loving mercy and peace. Father, be with the families of Anna Sue Wilson Baker, Baby Townsend, Larry Turner, Allen Messers Son, the family of Virginia Hayes friend who miscarriaged, and the families of the boys who were killed in the accident in Breathitt County. We have an unspoken request for Donna Morton tonight, Father. We ask that You take care of Donna and her family. Bless them and meet their every need. Father, as You take care of them and provide for them, we give You the glory. If there is any in this family who is unsaved, Father, we ask that the Holy Spirit reveal Jesus Christ to them so that they understand they any blessing they receive is not by chance, but comes through You, through Your Son, Jesus Christ, who died on that cross for every sin. Timothy Hudson has been laid off from his job at Leeco. We pray for Tim and for each employee with this company. Help them seek You and place their future in Your loving hands, Father. Give them direction and opportunity. Lead each person, including Tim, in a direction where Your name is magnified. Sarah Goff is having difficulty dealing with the father of her child. Father, bless this child and take care of Sarah and her baby. Whatever is going on, we ask that You intervene and make a way for this family. Father, bring peace and cooperation between these two parents so that the best for the child is considered and provided. Shaina Little Fletcher also has a special request tonight, Lord. Once again, intervene and make a way for her and help her to overcome this obstacle in her life. Work things out for the benefit of all, Father, and keep each person safe and at peace. We have so much to praise You for this evening! Thank You for Andrew Blank and the Youth Group. Thank You for their service and dedication to You. We pray that You provide deliverance for each of them. Help them to overcome spiritual battles and grow as servants for You. We praise You, Father, that Goldie Stidham didnt need surgery. We praise You for good test results for Delinda Hurd. We praise You for Archie Johnson, the burn victim, who received good results and a fast healing rate. We thank You for Kenneth McIntosh, who reported no cancer. We praise You for Joshua, Mike and Milas son, who received a good medical report. We praise You for Jessicas job and her satisfaction level with beginning the 4th week. We praise You for Tammy Hornsby. She is off life support and in a regular room. We praise You for Clayton Brown who has made a conscious decision to try to quit smoking---just one week after we asked you to take the desire away. Father, strengthen him and increase his will power to be successful in this decision. We praise you, Lord, that the chairlift is successfully installed and we praise You for a safe and successful Charity Ride for our Christmas Outreach. Heavenly Father, we thank You that when we declare a thing; that You will establish it for us and light will shine on our ways according to Job 22:27-28. In the name of Jesus Christ of Nazareth, we pray with thanksgiving and according to Your will! Amen.
Posted on: Wed, 10 Sep 2014 23:59:38 +0000

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