Heavenly Father! We thank You for the gift of having another day - TopicsExpress


Heavenly Father! We thank You for the gift of having another day to spend with our families and friends. As we begin this day, go before us and open the doors that need to be opened and close the doors that need to be closed. Help us to keep our eyes on You as we place our hands on the plow and begin this part of our journey. Help us to find comfort and peace in the midst of the trials and challenges we struggle with in our lives each day. Help us to walk according to Your Word and help us to develop the kind of faith we need to stand strong in the midst of our battles. We pray for Adela Garcia and her family as her daddy has gone home to be with You. Reach down from Heaven and hold them in Your loving arms and help them to find comfort and peace as they rest their head upon Your shoulder. Surround this family with friends and loved ones who will be able to be used by You to be Your voice and heart to each of them. Help them to find comfort in know that they will one day be able to see their father, brother, husband again. We pray for all those who have lost loved ones. Hold them and comfort them in the midst of their grief. We pray for the kids who will be starting school today. Surround each of them with Your protective care. Remove evil and danger our of the schools where they will attend class. Fill the schools across this nation with the Holy Spirit and fill the halls with Your love. If there are kids who need a friend and is all alone, send them a Godly friends who will encourage them in their walk with You. If there are children who are Godly young men and women, give them discernment and place a desire in their hearts to reach out to the students who are all alone and hurting. We pray that You will be with our teachers. Give them discernment as they see their students in the hallways and in their classes. Give them wisdom as to know how to react to these students and give them the resources they need to change the destinies of the abused and neglected students they will meet this year. We pray that You will be with the teachers who are abused among their piers. Remove the destructive spirits that are within the faculty of our schools. We pray that our teachers will find good Christian friends to encourage them and help them be prepared in season and out of season as they build friendships. Develop a strong Christian Fellowship on every campus this year. We pray that the Holy Spirit will be the light that is delivered to our children and teachers this year. We pray for those who are struggling with physical and spiritual infirmities. Heal their bodies and restore their walk with You. Be with the doctors and help them to make their hands available for You to deliver healing to those who need surgery and need healing in their lives today. Help us to find favor with everyone we meet today. Help us to hear the voice of the Holy Spirit as You direct our paths today. We pray for my brother David L. Varner. We pray that You will take away the kidney stone that he is struggling with. We pray for Robert as he has surgery on his eye for glucoma today. We pray that You will direct the doctors hands in this surgery and that You will accomplish a miraculous healing through the doctors hands today. Bless those whom You have place over us as our authorities. Help them to prosper as they lead us and give us direction. We have so many things to be thankful for in our lives. Help us to be Your voice, heart, hands and feet to those in our lives today. Forgive us of our sins. We ask this in Jesus name. Amen!!
Posted on: Mon, 25 Aug 2014 12:02:26 +0000

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