Heavy Footsteps Descending the Stairway" In 1988, my husband and - TopicsExpress


Heavy Footsteps Descending the Stairway" In 1988, my husband and I bought an old character house in Victoria, in a neighbourhood with much newer homes, but we fell in love with the old time home built in 1914. My neighbor, kitty-corner to my home, was an elderly lady who dropped by one day to introduce herself. She told me she had grown up in our house, and that it had years before burned down, killing a small boy and his father. Two years later (1914) the house was re-built, and that is when my neighbour lived there as a young child. I was fascinated by learning this history of my much treasured home. One evening, my husband went out with his friends, so I was home to watch the children. My eldest son, Robbie, was about three years old, and his brother Nicholas about 16 months of age. They shared a bedroom upstairs in a converted attic, made into a lovely bedroom. There was a set of fairly steep wooden stairs that led to their room. One night, as I sat alone, and the boys were asleep in their beds, I heard loud, heavy footsteps descending the stairway. I called out to Robbie to get back to bed. There was no reply. So I went to the stairway, and saw no one. I went upstairs and both boys were fast asleep. This happened a few times. And one night I heard my husband call out to Robbie, to get back to bed. The boys again, were fast asleep, and this time my husband heard the loud, slow moving footsteps come down the stairway. Eventually, we sold the house, and years later, I went to the house, and knocked on the door. I introduced myself to the new owners, and the woman was holding a small baby in her arms. I asked her if she had ever experienced unexplainable sounds in the house, and she quickly called to her husband, and invited me in. They both shared with me the strange going ons in the house, and also the footsteps coming down that stairway. I truly believe it is the boy and his father who were burned to death back in 1912 in this old house. I have since lived in two other homes, and never experienced anything like this again. Wolfshadow
Posted on: Mon, 16 Sep 2013 22:11:16 +0000

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