Hebanna ke eng? :v Rato wa botsisha •Those guys who try to - TopicsExpress


Hebanna ke eng? :v Rato wa botsisha •Those guys who try to impress ladies kadi vest in this winter?.. hebanna.. morena why ke eng?.. cant u see shes wearing a warm jersey...lewena warm yourself.. youll caught flu madafada!! •And those niggas who be putting Dj on their Facebook name just to charm girls...Nigga be claiming hes a DJ but cant even download a song.. Hebanna!! SanamaClaimClaim. :v •Wearing big pants and shirts together with big sneakers, and calling yourself a nigga.. Bra cant you just wear simple.. than walking around weighing 95kg coz of clothes.. Ke eng? Aowa if ke swag then le phela masepa mooos •Sagging pants, walking around looking like you just get phucked on your ass?.. take those pants up, apara your swine!!.. Haibo Madoda! SanamaStupidNiggro. •Those guys who suddenly change how they are when they are around girls.. nigga be developing accent... ekse ke eng?? Nikka be like Sup girl ..Lols wena you usually say WhatsApp.. today ke eng?.. Aowa wena! Nna ke le CSS Ke tlo go lakga . •You find a nigga who just started a gym yesterday.. Promising us some fists....Promising to lift us.. Hebanna , Now o bosso.. Let me keep quite, I dont want to be lifted. •And tell me here, Ke eng kadi pictures without t-shirts on ,here Facebook?.. Business yau ke eng?.. o advertiser eng?.. .. Aowa apara monna, kere apara your swine.... •Those nikkas who be wearing expensive clothes to impress Rato dollar Hebanna!!, just to find out a nigga doesnt even have a matric certificate.. No wena go back to school, Hebanna ke eng, ..? •Those guys who still call themselves di cheese Boys..Nikka be walking around with yellow teeth and thinking that people will thinks he eat cheese alot.. Aowa wena you dont and you never understand the concept.. Go brush your teeth bru.. vaya Your sanamaYellowsmile.. •And not forgetting those guys at the gym, when nice cute ladies walks in, nigga be picking up some heavy shit, just to impress.. lols youll kill yourself ..Haow be yourself..ke eng kadi 50 pounds lifter.. otlanya your moerskond!!
Posted on: Thu, 10 Jul 2014 06:14:52 +0000

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