Hebrews 11: 24-29- being faithful to faith 1. Moses refused to be - TopicsExpress


Hebrews 11: 24-29- being faithful to faith 1. Moses refused to be called the son of Pharaohs daughter.....when he had come of age. Are you willing to say no to the devil, world and your own ambitions of greatness. In an age of power mongers, will you be the one to choose godliness rather than ill gotten fame and name. 2. Choosing ...volitional choice...to suffer affliction over the pleasures of sin for a season. Sin in todays world is ever increasing because of satisfying the id drives in self. Sensuality and censorship are so compromised that it is termed being stone aged if you speak of morality, spirituality, righteousness...etc. However, to be faithful to the faith, you need to rather choose suffering than momentary pleasures of sin. 3. Esteemed reproach of Christ greater riches than treasures of the Egyptian empire. In an age of cut throat competition where everyone treats each other as being a step in the ladder upon which you must tread upon, will I be the one who will value people more than money and relationships more than prosperity. To be true to the faith of Christianity where you need to reprove and rebuke them that are out of the way, will you stand true to your calling even if it means that you might lose many of your friendships that you hold very dear? What do you esteem more? 4. He forsook Egypt...and endured. When none of us would risk getting out of our comfort zone to venture into new possibilities, being faithful to the faith would mean that you just have to let God break you in the parched desserts of Midian. You dont fight the will of God, you fall in line with His great purpose. 5. He kept the Passover.....the destroyer shall come and show no partiality between people, races, religion......he will destroy everyone that sin. So irrespective of our birth and origin, we need salvation which comes through the blood of the Passover, even the blood of Jesus Christ our Passover (1 Corinthians 5: 7). Being faithful to the faith, we need to apply the blood over the lintels and doorposts of our hearts and life. 6. He passed through the Red Sea....in the book of Corinthians we read that they were baptized into Moses through the Red sea. To be faithful to the faith, one after having secured his/her salvation, must subject themselves to the order of Baptism. This will mark an end to the cursed life that has been your portion till date. Step into new beginnings after you have broken from the yoke of bondage and slavery to different forms of addiction, unrighteousness and immorality.
Posted on: Tue, 04 Mar 2014 09:19:25 +0000

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