Hello All :) My 8th grade son came home from school today with a - TopicsExpress


Hello All :) My 8th grade son came home from school today with a questionnaire. He came home with another questionnaire two days ago where he refused to respond to the question, who lives in the house, ages and what they do. This questionnaire was a an 8th grade Career Assessment Test. My son is autistic, mainstreamed, and requires a one to one. 14 years old! Month to Month he is growing and making giant leaps! This afternoon at the end of the day, my sons middle school teacher handed out the questionaire. Then he was to turn it in when he was completed. When it got late in class, the teacher told my son to take his questionnaire home and finish for homework. He returns from school and proceeded to tell me that he was given a questionnaire that he is supposed to do for homework. My son then told me that he was uncomfortable filling it out. My son was given a seven page booklet to fill out, at the end of the day, without my knowledge or any other parents knowledge! After I reviewed the questionnaire, I felt that this questionnaire was sizing up my son to be placed in the workforce. Personality Types, are you Artistic: A Creator? An Enterprising Persuader? Realistic: A Doer? Are you Investigative: A Thinker? Are you Social: A Helper, or are you Conventional: An Organizer? I do not remember knowing what I want to do with my life at 14! CAN OUR CHILDREN BE LEFT ALONE, PLEASE?? NO MORE QUESTIONNAIRES WITHOUT OUR CONSENT!! The pressure our kids go through on a daily basis is criminal! Could you imagine if they size a child, any child up for a profession they do not like? I am outraged and will be going to my sons school tomorrow. You can bet on that! Please browse through questionnaire and let me know how it makes YOU feel:)
Posted on: Tue, 11 Mar 2014 01:34:24 +0000

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