Hello All, My name is Jason Blake and I am running as a NSW - TopicsExpress


Hello All, My name is Jason Blake and I am running as a NSW candidate for seat in the Senate in the 2013 election. A little bit about me. I was born in Sydney went to primary school in the west suburbs. Due to a family break down, I found myself moving from place to place, school to school around Sydney and a stint in Victoria & Queensland. I managed to completed years 10, 11 & Started yr12 in the Lower Hunter Valley. I applied for enlistment in 1996 and start recruit training 11Jun1996. I spent a little over 5years in 3 units. 1CSSB, Australian’s Federation Guard and 1HSB. I injured my back during this period. Due to the nature of the Army, I knew I wouldn’t be able to perform to my best ability as soldier. I decided to transfer to the Navy. I served on HMAS Kanimbla and some minor war vessels before reaching my 10 years. That was it for me, so I left and entered the mining industry, just like everyone else. I worked in that Industry up until early last year. I now find myself working for Boeing Defence Australia, a contractor for Defence, although my current role is supplementary Labour for a RAAF unit in its Logistics Section. Why I am I entering Politics? I am just like every other Aussie. I have had enough with the rubbish politicians feed us and their lack of real concern for every Australian. If you’ve watch Parliament question time, then you’ve probably seen why nothing real is achieved. These shitheads are more interested in insulting each other then actually governing. Recent actions by both sides of government show you what they are really about. Several pay rises for them, without improving our lives. Changes to the Freedom of Information Act, to hide individual spending of the Public Purse. Selling of Public owned Assets, including to foreign interested parties. Continue corrupt behaviour with bugger all being brought to justice. The list goes on. Enough is enough and it starts with a Constitutional Republic with directly elected Australian, as Head of State with the people as its sovereign. A Constitution that includes all Australian citizens and holds government accountable to the People and a Charter of Rights that has been missed in our current version. There is much more and something I am championing is a complete reform of our tax structure. If we continue with our current system, we will not survive. Both sides of Politics know this, but are too gutless to do anything. The recent Henry Tax review provided Government with a clear path, yet they have largely ignored it. I will leave it there for the moment. Any questions of concerns please feel free to ask, Remember this isn’t about me, it’s about you and every other Aussie. Our website is therepublicans.au/ and you can find me adding the odd post on Face book at Republican Party of Australia. If you do vote [1] for [Jason – Australian Republicans] on the Senate Ballot paper, I will be in debt to you for the rest of my life. All I can promise you is that I will try my hardest to clean up government and right the wrongs of the past. I will push to get government to earn the respect of the Public that it has completely lost. I have a long and hard road ahead and will probably be target by the bastards that have ruined our Countries prosperity. I cannot do this alone and will continue to listen and learn from as many as I can. Jason Blake Home therepublicans.au The Republican Party of Australia
Posted on: Thu, 22 Aug 2013 08:33:13 +0000

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