Hello. All! Well it seems that face book keeps bugging me to post - TopicsExpress


Hello. All! Well it seems that face book keeps bugging me to post on my magickal name. I havent been on this for a while.... A long while. I felt as a High Priestess. I should have it all together, at least in theory. I had a very rough winter last year. Well my thyroid (which I have none), was beyond normal hypo. It was off the charts. That being taken care of, and going on a diet that is extremely strict losing 70 pounds, and that was with all the going off. Going on... I am now again back on. I feel physically better. Its not a cheap diet, but so well worth it, for me at least. LOL! Then someone reminded me. That Just because Im a High Priestess, doesnt mean life gets easier. Its how you handle it (my daughter)... My own words used at me...! My coven took some family issue hits (some. ALOT)! Go figure. We are all about family and that is one of the main issues. From not being aloud to see my step dad, who had been on the floor for over five days, and me having to call the police. To a face book war with my sister, who had been stalking me. Yes, stalking! To my other sister, who was given a few weeks to live only about two weeks prior. Being told she was completely cancer free. So I spent most of my summer trying to help accomplish some bucket list stuff, and she is at I believe. Dont quote me... I dont have my date book in front of me. But now shes at 17 or 18 weeks still alive and kicking! I told her whatever the doctor says. Do not listen too him. He is not the Gods. Go out kicking and screaming. Never give up! She is so strong, and he focus for keeping her alive is her little boy. She is determined, and she suffers through. Gods. I Love her! Than to NY to help my cousins wife after her major surgery... Gods bless her. She has been a trooper, and has the warrior marks to prove it! He life is definitely changed and yet, she was watching football and hanging like she normally does with her hubby and boys. I just tried to make the domesticated part easier on her. Then over to my best friend & cousin after her major surgery and her first one. I had to leave a day or two early. Because my husband got injured. Than we both were sick. Oh yes... I left out that I was in the hospital a few days before I left for NY to help my relatives. Busy. Busy. Busy. Plus.... hahahaha! a couple of days before my hospital stint. We took our daughter back to college for her junior year. In the mean time life has happened. Other great struggles, but I will leave them out. All I will say is that it truly is a blessing! There is a life lesson in here. This lesson is, that pain is pain. it hurts! But when that pain is gone, you have that moment of aaaaahhhh! No matter the situation. Try to look at all sides of the issue. Try to keep a positive mind set (it does help). Always be grateful, and thankful, and humble. You will get through this! Letting go is hard, but most times well worth it and well deserving of it. You truly can not change others, but you can change you, and that is always going to be a work in progress. Not to look for being perfect, because there is no such thing. Perfection is in the eye of the beholder, but not a truth. We have lost pets, and witnessed birth. A busy year indeed. I did a 100happydays challenge, had to stop at day 50, because I couldnt figure out my camera... Then did it again. Made it to the 100happydays. I am not a quitter... Plus I have a cancer moon, so I dont let things go to easy. If interested, go for it. It really does make you happy. You seek it out, especially after the first week. Its a psychological test, and it works. People always ask . How do you do magick (I add the K for witches) but its not needed. Here is how I do magick. I live it, see it, feel it, hear it, smell it, and am it. Its inherent in us all. I live my daily life being me, and I believe in magick, miracles, wishes, blessings, thoughts. You name it..! I have always believed in the power of magick & spells, and prayers. Belief is a great part. I also believe in a higher power. Something beyond... I listen to the wind, and look for symbols that have been handed down through our ancestors. I also honor the dead. They have paved the way, leaving us with many un answered questions. Only for us to eventually do the same. Everything has a season and the one constant is our life is change. Nothing stays the same. Now that I have all of that out of the way. I will try and post more. on here, and more magical stuff. I am not computer savoy, so bare with me. As we approach our witches New Year (NO. Not Halloween). You let go of what no longer serves to help you or make your life better. Be it people, or jobs or, any situation. Let it go... OH do NOT quit your job until you have a better one. The point is. To look forward and work towards what ever you seek. Letting go is a necessity. ...Look within, at least once a week. I recommend more, but once a week will do. Forgive others. Forgive yourself. A few witchy tips. Clean your space. Make an ancestor altar to honor your loved ones that have gone before, pets are also included. Do some shadow walking. Prep the feeders for the winter months. Stock up on candles and such. Be is silence as often as you can. Honor the divine. stay focused to the season at hand, yet prep for the change. May you all have a Happy, blessed, joyous, and prosperous new year! I guess I will be posting more often. Thank you ALL for being a part of my life, and for reading my messages. ...I FLY...! Love & Blessings Lady Pearl Tatonka Birch Wynd HPS , Coven of the Elestial Ursa, Clan Raven of the Black Rose, Black Forest Tradition.
Posted on: Wed, 29 Oct 2014 14:37:47 +0000

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