Hello Dear Ones, The out pouring for prayer for Barb and Liv is - TopicsExpress


Hello Dear Ones, The out pouring for prayer for Barb and Liv is unequivocally one of the most incredible God moves I have ever seen. There are so many praying for Barb and I have to say from where we started from Sunday morning to now is all about prayer and intercession being paramount and our Heavenly Father honoring you giving your lives for a friend. Here is the praise report: Barb had a good day today. The cardiologist was in here when they did an ultrasound and he said her heart did not look as hopeless as he initially thought. He said she has a strong heart and that was very good. They are going to get her as stable as they can, eradicate as much of the infection and bacteria as possible, slowly take her off the respirator by tomorrow end of day and when they feel she is able though still critical, they will transport her to St. Josephs hospital down the road about thirty minutes to do open heart surgery to replace the heart valve that the bacteria damaged. Please continue to pray specifically for her body to get where they need it to be and that she will come thru the heart valve surgery in a way that God will receive all the glory. A minister friend of mine in Florida said to me that this statement kept coming to their spirit. Barb is in my flow of Glory!Yes, thank You Father for the wonderful way You accomplish Your plans and purposes in all out lives. I praise You and honor You with all my being for bringing life back to where human wisdom said there could possibly be none. Thank You for breathing life into Barbs body and we certainly give You all of the glory as You do what only You can do! Hallelujah! Please continue to pray, dont let up on the prayer support. Lets bombard the kingdom of darkness and let the enemy know that Jesus came to give life and give it more abundantly., Barb is not out of the woods and these good reports are baby steps, but we will give God all the praise for baby steps. Liv had a great day today thanks to Gods presence, two friends from her school, the Thigpens, Tyler and Zack, and her cousin Erica who is staying the night with her. She was so excited to have everyone. I want to thank you all for standing with us and praying. I trust you know we love you and appreciate all the support and prayers. Thank you for keeping up with us and know we love you so very much and pray Gods richest blessings upon your lives and you stand in the gap for us. Ezekiel 16:6
Posted on: Wed, 11 Jun 2014 10:46:26 +0000

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