Hello, Friends! Here is the prayer for today… Dear - TopicsExpress


Hello, Friends! Here is the prayer for today… Dear Lord, We thank you for the blessing of another day. Lord, so many struggle to know the purpose of their pain. They can’t see past their circumstances and they wonder why they are still here. It is impossible for us to know this side of heaven all the answers that we seek…in this body…in this frail human form, we are not built to know or understand so much that happens in this life,… so ultimately, most things come down to us trusting you for what we don’t yet understand….we must trust what we know of your character and what has been revealed to us… we must trust that You do everything carefully and with forethought and with wisdom beyond anything we can comprehend.You have promised to complete the work you have begun in us…you are doing a new work in each of us as you heal and restore and stretch and refine us. You are strengthening us and changing us. As we die to our old man, there is newness of life being resurrected in us… with each new trial that comes into our lives, you are introducing a new opportunity to learn and grow and to know you in ways we’ve never known before. A picture keeps coming to mind of the apostles sitting in jail and singing your praises and being at peace. One reason you allow trials, grief, chronic illness and pain, financial difficulties and relationship issues, is You want us to find that place of peace, lack of fear and total trust that only comes from you… you want our surroundings to fade away, so all we see is the fullness of your presence. Where you are… there is beauty, order, calm, peace and serenity , no matter what our circumstances…everything fades away in the light of your glory and grace. You dispel the darkness. These our the greatest gifts you give us in the midst of our trials and suffering…spiritual gifts that the world cannot give or take away. When we can display a sense of calm and peace in the midst of our trials, it strengthens the faith of others… it encourages those around us to have hope and faith in you….it makes our faith tangible to those who never saw a reason to believe in you. Help us Lord, to get to that place in our walks with you. Help us to not give up. Help us to overcome discouragement. Help us to persevere, so we learn… so we find each bit of truth and knowledge you have buried in our trials. Help us to not fail our tests, Lord. Help us overcome evil with your good…help us to believe when we are weak and weary, that you will redeem all that the enemy means for our harm…help us to so fully trust you that our response is faith and not fear, knowing that anything you allow to touch our lives is for our good and your glory. We all fall so short and miss out on so much of what you have for us. We fall, but you pick us up. You help us to rise from the ashes and you bring beauty from those ashes. Only you can do that, Lord and we are so grateful that nothing is ever wasted in our lives. Help us, Lord to have more faith like the apostles… and help us to become more like you! In Jesus’ name we pray, Amen. Hope you have a blessed weekend friends! Praying and believing you will see God’s goodness in your struggles!
Posted on: Sat, 08 Nov 2014 13:16:59 +0000

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