Hello Friends! I am currently staying with friends in Maidstone, - TopicsExpress


Hello Friends! I am currently staying with friends in Maidstone, England (playing in Wingham tonight - see tour flyer!) & wanted to share the following inspiration that came to me this morning :-) So often, we refer to ourselves as being only human... Be it out of grounded humility, playful self deprecation, or serious self loathing, this is quite a limiting way to see ourselves & couldnt be farther from the truth in my opinion... Yes, in a very basic & literal sense, we indeed ARE human, but to refer to ourselves as only human is a huge mistake in my opinion when we are clearly so much more than this... Within the basic confines of what it means to be human beings, we are flesh, blood, brain, bone & body... In essence, we are a carbon/protein/chemical vehicle/shell... But we are also(& more incredibly) the intellect that inhabits our human shell... With the mix of these traits comes our ability to live, to learn, to love & to grow... We are able to create, to differentiate & ultimately transcend any & all perceptions or destinations within our ever growing reality... We can do incredible things as a result of these traits & even further beyond the basic manifestation of our physicality, & or intellect, we are limitless & unending energy... Science demonstrates & religion consistently eludes to the same, that energy has no end, so we are in essence, unending energy having a human experience... Is it not truly a most incredibly beautiful & most wondrous gift to be human? It would be amazing enough if we were all separate entities & alone within our physical humanness some how, but we are most definitely NOT alone-on this planet, in this universe, in our homes or most importantly, in our hearts... Our concepts of being alone, are largely due to an over reliance/preoccupation with time, distance & physicality... Sure, when specifically focusing on the basic physical level of what it means to be human, this makes perfect sense... We enjoy & seek out physical interaction/companionship & when we cant physically see/hear/touch/feel one another, we will tend to say to ourselves that we are alone.... On an intellectual level, this also makes some degree of sense, especially when we are so often hung up on the appearance of our bodies & the fragility of our egoes... We quite literally think that we ARE our bodies, so our physical appearance, along with our physical possessions & all of the ideas that our brains have latched onto in efforts to justify/validate our egoic level of self, are of the utmost importance to us... Funny thing is, once we get to the deeper level of our energy & our hearts, very little of these physical/material things carry much weight at all... It is here at our deeper core level that time, distance & physicality are truly put into their proper place to be seen as they really are... Self created notions/guidelines which were created & implemented by us in a feeble attempt to define our reality... We soon discover that it isnt possible to feel alone or separated in our hearts, because our mental concepts/delusions of time, distance & physicality simply cant exist at this deeper level of who we are... It is here that we begin to understand that our energy, or love & the compounds that make up our physical world, are not only of ourselves, but of every other human/living being on our planet & of the entire cosmos as well... From stars to starfish, amoebas to humans, from deserts to deep space, from everything to everything then back & forth, everywhere, again & again, it is all interconnected & of a shared nature... So try to remember all of these things the next time you get down on yourself or simply shrug off your potential by saying, Im only human. Remember these things when you are feeling lonely, unloved or disconnected... Remind yourself of all this beautiful, 24-7 unending evidence to the contrary... Every moment of every day, YOU are an incredible human being & you are surrounded by other incredible human beings (every single one of us!) always... Regardless of what we may be thinking or going through, or how me may be feeling at the time, it simply isnt possible to be alone when we realize we are connected in all of this & it is also not possible to be unloved when love is the energy that binds us all... It is only our perception being distracted from this wonderful truth that will at times trick us into feeling unloved or lonely My Friends... Remind yourself & others that to be human, is to be ALL of these wonderful things & MORE... Remember that were ALL part of an incredible shared experience between each of us & EVERYTHING else... We are NEVER alone & we are ALWAYS loved... Our potential to love, achieve & overcome is quite literally LIMITLESS & this can only be held at bay & or propelled further by the degree in which we choose to Live, Love & Believe in ourselves...
Posted on: Mon, 06 Oct 2014 11:10:30 +0000

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