Hello. I swam last night. First swim of 2015, it was all - TopicsExpress


Hello. I swam last night. First swim of 2015, it was all looking so positive for me this year, there was just something about those numbers 2015. I am going to be 40 this year. While that might sound scary I actually think its awesome as I feel like Im beating time. Screw you 40, come back to me at 50 and see where we are at. I write this with a heavy heart. Literally typing each letter is filled with sorrow. I cant believe or fathom what happened today in Paris. How can anyone be so evil to take the lives of innocents? Or anyone? It is beyond me and I am lost for words. Yet, when I pop onto this group page and see such friendships and camadarie amongst our global swimming family I remember that there are really awseome people in the world. Sheez, I sound like Gandhi, if only we had a new Gandhi out there to get a hold of this world and say hey, come on ........... So I am going to get back to feeling happy. These animals will never win. My swim was with my old Westwood crew in Clontarf, Ive swam here for nearly 10 years, its where our Irish record team emerged from and many swimmers have come and gone but the Tuesday and Thursday 7-9 is always there. I backed away for the group for the first time in those 10 years in August. As they closed the 50m pool in August, much to my horror and totally unexpected as I arrived one Monday early August, knowing Id 4 weeks of a run in to the Liffey Swim and I was peaking just nicely and there as i walked in was a sign: Hi members the pool will close Tuesday for renovations until October. I had a moment. I had to reat it again. And again. Exsqueeze me? Closed. October. Youre having a giraffe. I asked for the Manager. Deep breath. Wasted my breath. Fine, please cancel my membership with immediate effect. So, I had a scramble of finding a pool, quick. And over those pre Liffey weeks, I was like a Viking nomad gypsy, scurrying around Dublin trying to find swim groups to connect with ......... UCD/Guinness/Belvo/Markiewicz welcoming me with open arms but also completley wrecking my plans to stay under the radar of other Liffey challengers as I was on point and hitting 2.30s for say 8 x 200s free or 1.10s for 10 x 100s on 1.40 so the word was out that I was on firing and therefore the dreaded handicapper would find out quick sharp. I got a 8.15 handicap start, still felt it was doable but then I got stage fright/cramp attack on the day and that was that but still finished top 40 even if I swam as Chisty Brown. Ah well, always next year, this year ............ :) So back I went to Westwood last night as after 3 or so months of swimming around the city at various pools the draw to get back to a 50m pulled me in. And I missed the crew as well. What I like about our crew is that there not uber competitive. Its a 2 lane gang with a fast/medium and a learner/slow. Not sure if you all swim with groups but heres what mine is like: Fast/medium lane consists of around 10 swimmers. 10 - 6 are happy to try and hang on to 5 - 1s coat tails. Who push off as soon as the next person pushes off so they are a little train. 5/4 and 3 are able to step up and 2 and 1 size each other up and see whose sharpest on the day. Last night our 1 was Ger, a fabulous swimmer, may be 50, but swims like a gladiator. 2 was a new girl who apparently swam the channel recently so she meant business. I jumped in at 3, 2 weeks of serious drinking took its toll. 4 and 5 were suffering like me and more interested in the other new foreign girl in learner/slow land wearing a bikini ....... 5 says to 4 man Im glad I brought my anti fog spray tonight. Please. Were here to swim 5 and 4! 5/4 and me laugh. New girl 2 looks on confused, 1 is all flippers and paddles and Pfft get on with it you lot. We finish up with 10 x 50s 25 sprint/25 doss. I take 2. new channel girl is like wow its like swimmig behind a washing machine, Im like yeah but wait until the 4th 50 itll be a calm pond. 1 gets out after 2. So Im left to take the last 8. I blow up at the 6th. Damn you 2 weeks of beer and vodka. Jacuzzi and sauna it is. And happy to be back amongst my wolf pack. And lady wolf pack. Bikini girl does not register on my radar. Ill leave her to anti-fog man. Ill most likely reactivate my membership as I feel at home with this motley crew and I actually love pushing on 10 - 6, someday I might take up coaching but I like swimming too much, anyone else have that dilemma? I shall sign off. I wish everyone a great swim year whatever that may be, whatever your goals are I have read so many heart warming stories on here of new achievments/back swimming/overcoming illness/a loved one lost/a loved one gained/channel and ice ocean warriors/10K lunatics/record breakers/masterschampions/beginners/messers/gigglers/splashers. You are all amazing. Dont lose that spirit. That Joie de vivre. Vive la natacion. Vive la liberte. Je suis Charlie. xxx
Posted on: Wed, 07 Jan 2015 22:45:35 +0000

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