Hello Simon and the GNE Crew First off, thanks to Simon for - TopicsExpress


Hello Simon and the GNE Crew First off, thanks to Simon for taking the initiative with his declaring the need for volunteers on the transcription project, and for linking it to gaiaspora.org. Thanks also to all those engaged in the transcription project. I am confident that it will succeed and the generations of the future will have a chronicle of the GNE to guide and inspire them. Nothing like it has ever been attempted by human animals since the glorious days of the Mysteries. I will take this message as the opportunity to get out a sort of update to you all… # Mission Impossible It is difficult to know what to say or where to begin. In the four months since completion of the GNE, I have faced the challenge of organization of my affairs which turns out to be too large a task for one person. Far too large. In fact, there is so much in play that I cannot even organize the elementary activities required for me to turn over the tasks of organization to assistants and volunteers! The things to do I face daily in the financial, literary, professional and practical aspects of my life are overwhelming, especially considering a lapse of three years when I concentrated on the GNE and largely ignored other matters. I may never catch up with myself. Not complaining here, just stating the facts of the case. I have a deep aversion to asking for assistance, calling for volunteers, etc, and I am doubtful that I would benefit adequately from assistance at a distance, without direct contact and communication here on the ground. I have come to accept that such on site assistance is a near impossibility -- so I am not expecting anyone to come here and live in Spain to assist and support me for a few weeks or months. I am left to consider what can be done by volunteers working on line, via the internet, email, and Skype. I dont immediately see how that set-up could be arranged, so I am really in a bind. I am also suffering from nervous exhaustion. Not a problem of physical vitality or energy, just total rawness of nerves. Thanks to some savvy advice from Kundrie, I am treating it with vitamin C and other measures, and holding my own. Still, truth be told, daily I face the mission impossible of organizing the final stage of my lifes work and doing it on my own. Quite simply you dont hear from me in the usual teaching move because I lack the resources to develop, extend, and implement the teachings and material I have so far delivered. Continuing as I did in the past, recording in solitude and uploading on to the internet, working without an assistant (except the ever-reliable Simon who uploads the mp3s for me), without networking and liaison, and without remuneration of any kind, is completely out of the question. I have gone as far as I can in that manner, counting exclusively on my own material resources. I will not continue without material contribution of some kind, simply because I cannot. As it stands, I am close to undermining my own modest means of survival to continue to teach as I have so far. It has been suggested that I have a professional website where I could receive donations -- but that platform has to be set up for me, including the correct and secure measures to operate PayPal, etc. I can see it working with a couple of income-generating features. One feature would be a nousletter that goes out on paid subscription, say, every two weeks or so. The other features would be continuation of the Celestics material after lesson 21 in the form of a pay-by-the-month course that would be directed to those who want to learn the method. Additionally, a service would be provided for those who want some kind of interpretation of the starry intel -- the star base reading,as it were. Currently, I am facing the formidable task of setting up the framework and implementation for star base interpretation, proceeding on the intention to train a TEAM headed by GNE member Stephanie A from Santa Fe, who came here in May to take instruction directly in the method and application of Star Base. Getting that Celestics team set up and running is one of my current priorities. I am still at square one with that initiative. Had Stephanie not come here to be in physical presence for handover of that work, I would not even be there. There is a lot of organization to be done on my part before I can get the team operating so that they, rather than I, handle the development and implementation, get Star Base out into public attention, and provide interpretations to those who request them, for a modest price. For me to provide star base interpretations for individuals one at a time is totally out of the question. But I will closely advise and instruct the team who undertake such readings. And I will review and approve all readings that are provided. So, donations, subscriptions, and class fees -- such are the three ways I would seek to augment my finances in the near future. Short of that working out to a modest success, I will be obliged to shut down the show and go into retreat. (Currently, I am halfway into retreat, I am writing three books and driving a car that has about 6 months of use left in it. Without a car I will really physically be obliged to stay home and work in retreat.) But the structure and implementation of those projects, including the platform of a professional website, johnlamblash.org, has yet to be accomplished. It is not even at stage one. I have a design for the site, but thats all. I will not pay to have this website constructed so there I must rely on volunteers. So theres the naked truth of the situation. I am telling you what I would like to do, I am not promising that I can do it. I cant promise anything right now. # Student Accommodation at Ambergane House For almost a year now I have been carrying the expense of Ambergane House totally from my own pocket, wondering how to make it sustainable. Just this month there were some small unforeseen positive developments in that area. I am holding the House until October 1 to see what may develop. Right now I am happy to report that Ambergane House is open for student accommodations, renting rooms on a short term basis, from 3 days to 3 weeks. Longer term paid residence can also be negotiated. Accommodations for singles are 30 euros per day, 50 euros for a couple in a double bed. There are rooms for one couple and three singles, total accommodation for five. There are three-and-one half private baths (quite luxurious) so that minimal sharing of those facilities is required. There is an internet connection in the House but how it works depends on the Spanish ISP network and that is not always reliable. When it works, you can easily do email and Skype to your hearts content. Ambergane House is a luxurious and elegant place in a spectacular setting, affording many walks around the Andalucian countryside. The silence of the evening is stunning, the night sky impeccable. I have moved the astrology/star base corner upstairs off the sky-viewing terrace so that students can consult star maps and then step out under the pristine sky and learn divination. There is a lovely large kitchen with ample facilities for a full house of five student visitors. Others who may wish to stay nearby, within walking distance, can lodge at a Spanish country rental. There are several in the area. One for example has an ample cozy apartment for two and a larger apartment that can sleep six. Finca Los Algarrobros: vidarustica.co.uk/300/family-homes/los-algarrobos/ You should contact me in advance before making arrangements with any locale hotels or inns. Conditions of accommodation at AH or in nearby locale places require that students arrive in Ronda (nearest large town) totally on their own expense. I cannot arrange for or assist with travel plans or expenses, coming or going, but I can on some occasions pick up students at Ronda (granted the old Suzuki is still running). Once installed, no transportation in the region is necessary so student visitors can avoid the expense of renting a car, although they have that option, of course. If so they should rent it in Ronda. I can provide the contact info for the agency. Others may prefer to arrive in Malaga and rent a car at the airport. Travel by local transport from Malaga to Ambergane House is impossible. I realized that travel to Andalucia is an unlikely option for many of you around the world, so that current offering is more pertinent to those of you who live in Europe and can get down here without excessive expense. Response to this offer over the next two months will determine whether or not I decide to retain the House which I rent for 800 euros a month. As I originally pictured the situation back in fall 2012 -- when I prematurely and erroneously announced the opening of Ambergane House -- students in residence will live among the books. Accommodations are provided in rooms with bookcases holding different categories of my library, notebooks, artwork, research files, etc. I have set up the House so that there are five work stations or study corners and one large table in the main salon for layout and group study when I am there to offer customized teaching or oversee studies, answer questions, etc. I cannot be available on call for students in residence. Be advised that I can only be available on my time. I am really happy to announce this opportunity with Ambergane House, precarious as it is -- but not without a note of sadness: I realize that many of you who support my work and follow the Sophianic vision of PT would like to stay at Ambergane House, meet me and study with me, but will never be able to do so, due to time, distance, personal commitments, and expense. Nevertheless, I wonder if you who cannot come would consider supporting the student venue at Ambergane House where I store my library and archives (desperately in need to cataloguing and organization, by the way!) and so make it a viable opportunity for those who can come. You might take pride and pleasure in knowing that although you are not there yourselves, you make it possible for anyone to be there at all. TVM - The Mysterium Auspicious circumstances lately allow me to make this initial offer for student accommodation at Ambergane House. And something of larger scope, as well, now comes into focus for me, not a moment too late! Early this month, just after the start of the Vajrayogini sift, I got the inspiration for a event/project that would complete the conditions for materialization of the Terma of Gaia Awakening on this planet, at this time. Until now, I had not seen the full picture of what was required for the Terma to materialize in concrete terms. I am not quite ready to announce what this project is, but I can assure you that it represents the necessary factor missing until now, required for the return of the Mysteries and the implementation of the Gnostic and Sophianic vision in the world. Just call it TVM for short. M is for Mysterium. Were I to get my professional website up and running in the next month or so, I would announce TVM on the site as that is the appropriate place for it, and also it would be the platform through which I could receive support and material contribution for the Mysterium. I think it would be wrong for me to announce it without the structure in place allowing for supportive response to be received. Material contribution requires something concrete. I realize there may be those in the world who would offer support for me just to continue and extend my teaching practice, perhaps, but the Mysterium is something more... it is not just me, personally and even professionally. It is something that comes into the world through me, to be achieved by others who come now and after me. TVM is the fruiting body of Gaias mycelium, the material node of you, the gaiaspora. # Brace for Impact I know you must be wondering at moments how the Nav views the world in Correction, and what insights, comments, or observations he might offer at the moment. Let me see what I can squeeze out of the ol navigator noggin… A little geopolitical commentary may be in order…. It took about two months before I began to get a sense of how Correction is working. Bear in mind that the GNE was a success: it produced a group of human witnesses to Correction. That was its stated purpose, in consideration of the view that the Wisdom Goddess needs a measure of human participation to succeed in Correction. The GNE and the emergent KWP assure that she has both witnessing (GNE) and participation (KWP, social activism). However, the success of the GNE does not guarantee the success of her Correction. These are two different matters, entirely. Now that Correction is underway all you can do is follow events and see if you detect how it is developing. One thing to recall, I never predicted or claimed that the entire world situation would change in a sudden spectacular way as soon as Correction began. Please be clear on that point. I can however assert that world events are coming rapidly to a gigantic climax and the shape of events, the direction of world drama, as awful as it looks, may indeed reflect how Correction is proceeding. I wonder if even the most horrific events might might be conditions that support her Correction. Meaning, of course, not that the Aeon requires or produces those conditions -- they are the sum product of human behavior -- but that she is ultimately able to turn them to her advantage. I mean in no way to imply that the horrors unfolding on the world stage are justified and required for a good outcome! That is the rationale of the righteous. And may the righteous be damned. Also, I never said that the Aeon would act supernaturally by striking at the high-end perpetrators and preventing them from completion of their evil plans. Of course, it was natural to wonder if such preventive action on her part might manifest. We all wondered about that possibility and how it might reveal itself. But specifically, exactly, I did not declare any assurance of such preventive action. For instance, I said that VV in her Tulpa (Rigden Labro) could be commanded to take out the Zads, the Talmudic perps at the executive level. Yes, but I did not say that doing so would insure the total defeat of their plans, did I? You must always remember that the action of the Tulpa, like the lethal strike of the KWP, is largely a rear-guard tactic. Of course, if any of you can command the Tulpa of VV to present WW3 I welcome you to do it. I would like to see the exact syntax of that command and know how you communicate it to her, how you get it into her syntax. But even if you were to succeed in commanding her to take out the PM of Israel, and she did it, would that stop what is happening now in Palestine? See what I mean? Exterminating the executives cannot stop the wave of violence they have set in motion. At least I doubt if it can. Extermination is a tactic to protect the course of society in Correction, once that hideous wave has crashed. Or perhaps just as it is crashing. Its tactical aim is to prevent the monsters from rebooting their system in a world redirected on the course of healing itself. Can you get the nuances here… ? Bear in mind as well that human behavior over the long term historically (and karmically if you will) has its own perverse and irreducible momentum, which the Aeon is not going to change by intervention into historical events in some supernatural way -- not as far as I can see. Her intervention is not guaranteed in Correction in that manner, so everything in human understanding of this moment depends on how you conceive intervention. I dont rule out that it may occur in some manner that would be impossible to preconceive, as such an intervention from the mother power has never before occurred in human history. There is no precedent for it. No one can foresee the form it might take. And it might also happen in some way or ways that escape human attention. The important thing, the essential thing, is that you keep your attention on her, and focus on the consciousness and feeling of the earth as a planetary animal, even if you cannot detect exactly what she is doing and how she does it. Realistically speaking, I seriously doubt that WW 3 can be prevented at this point. As I write these words, the Zionists are working themselves into a fiendish frenzy of murder and destruction in Palestine. Such heights of evil are really inconceivable to ordinary folk like us. No ghoulish antics in a horror film come close to it. Even a snuff film is a pleasant diversion compared to that the Zionists are doing as I write these words. You can be sure those who are now undertaking a final solution in Gaza do so in throes of delight. They relish and revel in slaughtering children, burning and maiming defenseless people en masse. They really enjoy what they are doing. That is a fact which a sane human animal finds impossible to grasp. Additional to the wholesale and flagrant slaughter of the Palestinians, conducted in an attitude of drooling righteousness, events in the Ukraine have taken a sinister turn. Just today as I am writing this message a passenger jet of Malaysian airline was shot down over Ukraine. Someone did this act, but it will almost certainly be impossible to ever know who it was. But then it really does not matter who did it. The effect is to present the world with an event that can be spun in various ways by various parties in the drama unfolding. Clearly, it means nothing to someone to blow 300 people out of the sky simply for the purpose of creating a news event that can be spun to their advantage. Whoever they are. Everyone involved will use this event to suit their agenda, be sure of that. Thus the insanity feeds on itself and verifies itself. Realistically speaking, I dont see anything that can stop WW 3 from happening in August 2014 except a stand down of the American military. But the good news is, if it does happen, it may be over by October. If WW3 is inevitable -- it happens because those who can make it happen cannot be stopped. Simple enough? But if it does happen, it might viewed as a horror that can be turned, considered in tantric terms.… I would say, trying to be as careful as I can with the wording, that WW3 might not necessarily prove that Correction is failing… The big question for me is, If it does happen, how long will it last? And if it were to happen and then be stopped, arrested in mid-action (like the battle of Kurukshetra was stopped midway), then perhaps the social and global developments reflecting Correction would become more obvious and more vivid, shining with a particular luminosity in the smoky aftermath of the cremation ground. Its gruesome to think of it that way, I know, but you might want to consider that possibility. Suppose for instance that WW3, additional to the horror and death it would certainly produce, would also have such a blowback on those who make it happen, that it finally destabilizes their mind control system to the breaking point. Their system of duplicity, division, and control is already at the breaking point, you say? Right, but not quite all the way. In their insanity they believe that a war will save them and they will come through with more power and control. But what if they get the war they want, and then when it is over -- or interrupted, put on hold -- they come out so weakened by the last great heave of their insanity, that they are THEN AND THERE taken down and defeated? In other words, what if that supremely evil event could be turned to the advantage of her Correction, but not avoided, not prevented? The worst would have to happen to be turned. This is a tantric principle. That is brutal consideration, I know, but honestly, I dont see how WW3 can be stopped at this point, apart from a military stand down by the USA, and maybe not even then... It makes sense to me that Correction would become effective and obvious in the event of the war, within it and concurrent with it… so I am not assuming thatCorrection can ONLY proceed to success if WW3 does not occur. Brace for impact. I will write a little more about my current state of mind and health and concerns for my legacy in a follow up to this message. Love and courage to all, and salty regards, as ever John
Posted on: Fri, 18 Jul 2014 06:46:36 +0000

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