Hello Sweet Souls :) Todays crystal of the day is ~ Golden - TopicsExpress


Hello Sweet Souls :) Todays crystal of the day is ~ Golden Healer ~ I hope you enjoy. Please feel free to share too. ^_^ Golden Healer Appearance: Golden yellow quartz, translucent, milky to transparent with darker, sometimes quite opaque streaks and inclusions. Sourced in: Brazil, Arkansas USA. Rarity: readily available Formation: Member of the Quartz family, Crystal System: Trigonal Chemical Composition: (SiO2) with Iron Oxide inclusions, Hardness: 7 Element: Air Chakra: All Key Words: Master Healer, Golden Ray of Consciousness, Divine connections, Universal Life Force. Judy Hall ~ The Crystal Bible Carrying the divine essence of all that is, and high concentrations of the universal life force (Qi or Chi), Golden Healer Quartz has an exceedingly high vibration that takes the master healing power of Quartz to another level. Using this quartz raises your vibrations to meet those of the crystal. It is a catalyst for profound spiritual activation and opens the alta major chakra. Golden Healer Quartz is incredibly active, the iron oxide in the stone amps up the power exponentially and creates a multi-dimensional grid around our planet. This Quartz has the iron content withing the crystal itself or between the layers of the Quartz as well as a dusting or coating on the crystal. Accessing multi-dimensional, interstellar healing power and bringing the Christ Consciousness down to earth, it makes healing more potent on all levels. This is a wonderful tool to prepare the lightbody for an influx of cosmic energy that expands awareness. Using it helps you to walk in Christ Consciousness on the earth so that your whole being helps the planet ascend. Golden Healer carries natural bioscalar waves that heal at intercellular levels. It purifies, aligns and re-energises the chakras, rapidly releasing ancient emotional conditioning held at the Solar Plexus. The crystal harnesses the personal will held in that chakra with that of divine will held in the chakras above the crown, so that the Higher Self becomes the guiding light rather than the ego. This stone facilitates making profound changes in your life with minimum fuss and effort. My view on Golden Healer Quartz (BeeBee) Although there is a definite fire element to Golden Healer (it inspires us!), I find it a such a soothing and calming energy. It comes in on the pure vibration of the golden ray, full of unconditional love and deepest healing for both our emotional and physical bodies. Lying in a grid of Golden Healer Quartz is pure balm for the soul, we are bathed in the most divine light, which lifts our spirit instantly and helps soothe our weary and aching bodies. Sitting with it in meditation, the first thing you will usually feel is an activation (slight tingeling or awareness of expansion) of the crown chakra and a beautiful, golden warmth spreading through your body. It purifies and energises our whole being, and helps us vibrate at a much higher level than we have ever known before. We loose our rough edges, emanating an aura of inner peace, compassion and unconditional love. When working with it for prolongued periods of time in deep meditation, the heart chakra expands greatly and we will literally be blissed out, sometimes reaching a state of ecstasy in the connection with source and all that is. Emotional upsets, both current and those from the past will be gently released with deep understanding and love, recognising patterns that may have become ingrained into our nature through conditioning. A wonderful healer of the solar plexus, it helps us with imbalances of both physical and emotional nature ~ digestive disorders, nervous tension, anxiety and lack of self esteem will all benefit from working with golden healer. It also soothes the hurt inner child, helps those with depression and is a wonderful aid for those suffering with auto-immune diseases. All Golden Healer pebbles in this picture are available and are £8.50 each. Just ring the Gallery on 01503 272359 if you would like to become the guardian of one of these.
Posted on: Sat, 01 Nov 2014 11:52:56 +0000

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