Hello Tribe of Celestiner Chokliteers! Im having an afternoon off! - TopicsExpress


Hello Tribe of Celestiner Chokliteers! Im having an afternoon off! Gasp! I hear you cry! Really? A whole afternoon? What will be become of the weasels? Think of the babies! Oh no.... Well, Ive left Emily a pile of books and a large packet of choklit Hobnobs and they have promised to be ever so ever so good we promise if you bring us back choklit... Im going to drive for the first time in 6 weeks as the nice doctor says I can now so Im off out to muck about about with my son. And eat. Lots. Cake. and lunch and dinner and stuff. Yum. And Im not even taking my little oooh just in case I might 5 mins to do a bit of felting bag. I hope the world doesnt end. Like the ravens leaving the tower. Theres a whole pile of new people arrived so welcome to you, it doesnt really make sense here but thats ok. I make creatures, you buy them, we are silly and you get to see what goes on in the shed. We eat a lot of choklit. The rest you have to just join in and one day youll realise you are chokliting and Squizzering and being norty and you dont know how it happened and youll find yourself trying to explain to someone why weasels wear Walnut whip crowns on their heads and you wont be able to but it will be too late by then and you wont care anyway... Um, oh where was I? oh yes. Im off out. Ill see you tonight. Mugs have arrived for those who ordered them so if you can pay your invoices if youve not already, that would be a bit fab and then I can get them off in the post to you on Monday. Ive got some spares if anyone wants too. Ermine medal guarding winter winged stoat, is of course a winter creature so he needs a summer counterpart for guard duties in the warmer months. Hes been supervising me this morning now hes un-hypnotised himself to make sure hes done stoatally proper. But hes got a silly grin and Im a bit nervous that well, he um err might need a bit of training. Or bribery..... And lastly a picture of Peason No Brains who thought it was a grand idea to take up residence on the woodburner. Which is a bit worrying as its ok now its cooled down but hes only got 3 paws and I dont want him burning any of the ones hes got left! Have a lovely day. ill see you tonight.
Posted on: Sat, 17 Jan 2015 12:27:23 +0000

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