Hello again, A quick aside before I begin: the scale still - TopicsExpress


Hello again, A quick aside before I begin: the scale still tells me that I weigh E pounds. I dont have the heart to tell it that E is not a number...so I let it keep saying that. I know, I know: Im so considerate. However, the measuring tape is telling that I have shed a total of 4.1 inches off various areas of my body! Me and my little Healthometer are BFFs. Im super stoked and excited for what the road ahead brings. Today, however, is about inspiration and fear. I love admiring the human physique. Its probably a good thing I dont have a super awesome body right now because I would be best friends with my mirror. What I can do is aspire to be like a couple of people that many of us many know. Or at least one of them is well known. The other one, well, you guys need to catch up. First and foremost, I am striving to look like Michael Jai White. This guy, this is who is in my mind everyvtime I walk those extra steps, finish that extra rep, or walk away from that extra spoonful of whatever goodies Lisa and I cooked that day. Hes done a lot of movies, mainly martial arts movies and I love the balance and smoothness of his physique. Nothing too big but well-formed and not afraid of bulky pecs. Hes 61 and around 230 pounds which is probably just a tad above my target. But he makes it look good. My other inspiration is more well-known. Will Smith. But not the Fresh Prince...the I Am Robot Will Smith. At 62 and around 210 pounds, this weight is more of what Im looking for. The tone of this physique screams I woke up like this and again, not afraid of bulky pecs. I figure the two things I wont be able to get rid of are my shoulders and my pecs. Might as well accentuate them. In a non-creepy bodybuilder way. Because they look funny. And I make it a point not to let my inspiration turn into reaching for a goal that is unattainable. I understand that the road to these types of bodies is a long one and at the end, I may not be a carbon copy. But I sure as hell will be in a much better position to run and play catch with my children (I plan on having a couple) and to avoid developing diabetes or heart issues (I dont plan on having those). So where does fear factor in? Well, my greatest fear in life is failure. If I start something and do not succeed or finish it, it has to be because I actively decided to walk away from it. To have it taken from me due to ineptitude or to miss my goal because my efforts were not good enough is the most damaging thing that my psyche can endure. To the point that I do not tolerate failure or less than 100% in anyone else. At the root of any persons fears is the fear of failure. A fear to overcome. Why didnt you step on that treadmill today? Because the achievement you have in mind may be unattainable at that moment and you dont want to start until you can do a whole hour without cramping. Guess what? Youve got to start somewhere. So what if its 3 minutes. Next week itll be 15 minutes. So on and so forth. In all my years of fighting failure, rejecting opportunities for fear of not being adequate Ive learned a valuable lesson: success isnt determined only but completion or achievement but by personal satisfaction in your efforts regardless of the outcome. You have to believe that inside of you their is a treadmill-burning, junk food-trashing Michael Jai White or (I Am Robot) Will Smith inside of you waiting for you to simply open the door and say Let er rip! Initiative breeds exemplary effort. Effort breeds confidence. And confidence? Well...confidence is the looking glass through which dreams and goals viewed, pursued and achieved. Who is your fit-spiration? Can you conquer the fear of those first unproductive, potentially painful weeks? Sure you can. Lets do this.
Posted on: Fri, 09 Jan 2015 07:47:13 +0000

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