Hello all. There was an incident last night whereby one member - TopicsExpress


Hello all. There was an incident last night whereby one member of a first division team was already banned from the pub his team were due to play at, and upon trying to enter the venue the team was told that the player in question could not come in. In protest, the team decided not to play their match with their available players and in discussions with myself told me that they were going to drop out of the league. I am sure that this was a knee-jerk reaction and probably in the cold light of day they realise this. If the captain from this team would like to contact me over the next couple of days I am sure that we can sort this out - we dont want to lose teams and players from our league over something so small! That being said, please could all teams remember that, as a committee, myself, Callum Matthews and Simon Budd all help to run the league and we do this completely voluntarily. All players have paid money and freed up time in order to be a part of the league. None of us will accept abusive language or behaviour towards us or other players, and I have no objection to taking appropriate action such as bans where necessary to maintain the integrity of the league. In addition, if your players are barred from particular pubs the committee have absolutely no authority to force landlords to let these people in, or to move the fixture to another venue - the fault lies with the player in getting themselves banned in the first place, and you must field a different player for that match.
Posted on: Mon, 24 Mar 2014 09:52:07 +0000

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