Hello beautiful souls! ~ Here is the Angel Card reading for the - TopicsExpress


Hello beautiful souls! ~ Here is the Angel Card reading for the weekend. The Angels guided me to pull four cards from the Life Purpose oracle card deck to gain some insight and clarity this weekend about our divine life purpose. As Mercury goes direct on the 25th we will remain in a place of deep reflection and now feel confident to take positive action steps. After all that we have learned during Mercury in Retrograde we can now gather from our experience with new profound clarity. No matter what has occurred in the last few weeks it is important that we do not take things too personally (such as miscommunications with others, cell phones breaking/not working, car troubles, and other disruptions in communication that has caused distress). Our divine life purpose, issues regarding the home, and safety & security will now be reassured as well allow course corrections to take place. Trust in the path you are on and when Mercury was in Retrograde if you experienced things feeling like they were not working out or feeling hopeless please know that this was for you to learn from the experience and to guide you to making adjustments in your life. Ask the Angels to assist you in making the right corrections in your life as your happiness, joy, and life goals matter! Your dreams are attainable! So do not give up and do not lose hope. Stay focused with positive intention! Check every weekend for new guidance from the Angels! How does this work? Just pick the card you are most drawn to and read the description for your message. Much love & Blessings, Amanda amandaclarkeartandhealing.co.uk IF YOU CHOSE 1: Card: TALK TO YOUR ANGELS *Instead of worrying, ask for Divine guidance. This card serves as a reminder that you can ask you angels for help and guidance in any area of your life, including your career and finances. You most likely drew this card because you’ve been worrying or complaining lately. The angels teach that worry never improves any situation, and may actually worsen things through the Law of Attraction. Fortunately, you can turn any worry into a prayer. That is, change a low-energy worry-for instance, “I don’t know how I’m going to pay my bills”- into a positive prayer such as: “Thank you God, for helping provide for my family’s needs,” or “Please guide my steps so that I make money in meaningful ways.” Prayers allow God and the angels to intervene in your freewill choices. First, they’ll boost your mood and faith, which will help you feel happier and more peaceful. Then they’ll lend you aid in miraculous ways, such as giving you intuitive urges to take certain action steps. Together, you and Heaven co-create the answers to your prayers. Please always remember that your Creator wants you to be happy, healthy, and safe, just as any loving parent does. You, like everyone, deserve to be helped so that you have the time and energy to devote to your life purpose. IF YOU CHOSE 2: Card: ENERGY HEALING *Your natural energy-healing abilities are an important part of your life purpose. Your hands are energetically activated to channel healing to others. Think about how many times you’ve held your hands over someone’s aches or pains (including your own). This instinctive action is so natural to you that you may have overlooked or downplayed it, In fact, it’s indicative of your spiritual gift of energy healing. Now it’s time to steer your energy healing work in a professional direction. This may involve taking classes to increase your knowledge and confidence. Most important, though, is holding the intention to conduct energy-healing sessions as a career. Once you fearlessly and confidently put this intention out into the universe, your clients will come to you. At first, you may conduct unpaid sessions with friends and family members. Soon, through word of mouth and your continued focused intent, you’ll either attract a paid private practice or you’ll join a healing center. As you initiate your energy-healing work, keep your mind and body cleared by practicing a healthful lifestyle. As you take excellent care of yourself, your physical and emotional reserves increase. Your high energy is a key ingredient in quickly manifesting your dreams. IF YOU CHOSE 3: Card: YOU’RE ON THE RIGHT PATH *Keep doing what you’re doing, because it’s working. In case you were doubting your feelings and plans, this card is your angels’ way of encouraging you to continue with your present dreams and goals. Just the act of having a dream has added passion and meaning to your life. Now, the angels are encouraging you to take positive action steps related to your dream. They know that you’ll feel happier and more energized as you devote daily time and energy to its fruition. Begin by centering your mind and body with a few deep breaths. Close your eyes, and then silently ask your guardian angels, “Please clearly give me signs, guidance, motivation, support, and inspiration related to my Divine life purpose.” Notice the thoughts and feelings you receive after making this request. Work as a team with your angels by asking them for additional information and clarity, and then follow that guidance as it occurs. IF YOU CHOSE 4: Card: TIME TO DECIDE *Make a decision based on your heart’s true desires. The angels ask you to be very honest with yourself (and them) about your dreams and desires. What do you want? What do you wish to change? What are you waiting for? Allow yourself to acknowledge your genuine feelings. Have the courage to admit your dreams. This card indicates that if you can dream it, you can do it. The angels are encouraging you to explore your options and take charge of your life. After all, your work comprises a major portion of your daily activities. You (like everyone) deserve to spend your time in meaningful and enjoyable ways.
Posted on: Fri, 24 Oct 2014 16:21:12 +0000

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