Hello citizens of Cedarville, AR. For the ones who arent familiar - TopicsExpress


Hello citizens of Cedarville, AR. For the ones who arent familiar with me Im the Chief of Police in Cedarville. It has been brought to my attention that there is confusion of the school zone. I just wanted to help clear it up with the community. Under Arkansas State Statute 27-51-212 section A No person shall operate a motor vehicle in excess of 25MPH when passing a school building or school zone during school hours when children are present AND outside the building. Where the school zone speed limit signs are located is where the 25MPH zone starts. NOT the flashing lights. There is also signs leaving each north and south bound school zones indicating end of school zone. The next thing is the flashing lights situation. If you notice the sign on the flashing lights is a pedestrian crosswalk sign. When the lights are on it is to caution drivers of possible pedestrians crossing over the highway ahead. And they are on during the morning and evening at the highest peak of the possibility of children being around that area. The lights actually have nothing to do with the school zone speed limit. Last year and years before the school zone was from flashing light to flashing light. If you see an officer down the road with a vehicle pulled over its during the peak traffic times for school its because of someone speeding through that school zone and thats where the officer got caught up to them to stop them in a safe place. So please during peaks hours watch your speed while in the school zone and help our protect our children from any danger. One last thing I want to let the community know of is I was told Cedarville Police Officers write tickets for 1 or 2 over the speed limit. I can guarantee you thats a false statement. All citations get placed on my desk and I take them to the district court. I review all citations and can personally vouch since Ive been chief as of November 6, 2013 there hasnt been a ticket for anything under 10MPH over the speed limit. Please feel free to get ahold of me with any questions, comments, or concerns about the police department in your community. I can truly say I do care about the community and the safety of all of the children in Cedarville public schools.
Posted on: Sat, 08 Feb 2014 15:46:07 +0000

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