Hello f/b family, the poem I read yesterday at The Call to Action - TopicsExpress


Hello f/b family, the poem I read yesterday at The Call to Action program was a call to the community to combat the epidemic of heroin addiction. Here is the poem I read. THIS IS NOT MY STORY!!! just my poem. I repeat NOT MY STORY!! Please let me know if you like it. Thank you Kenny for all your support!!! JOURNEY To all that is or has struggled with the journey of addiction; Also to my hero. Am I human No more Because my Journey Is different from Yours. Never told anyone I was molested At four Watched my mom Turn tricks on the kitchen floor. Turned 13 my Time came around Mom took the money Smelly men laid Me down Starving hungry No food to be found Went to sleep Many nights With a grumbling sound School became A problem As I struggled To read Couldn’t tell a D from a B An F from an L My 3’s looked like E’s Labeled a dummy I couldn’t spell. Teachers couldn’t Take the way That I smelled My urine soaked clothes My filthy hair Had lice three times, Gonorrhea twice. Am I human No more Because my journey Is different from Yours Put heroin In my veins To release all pain. As a child my Dreams was not To become a Cheat or a whore I had BIG dreams Of becoming more. My favorite belt Tighten around My arm As beads of sweat Begin to form Mouth starts to Water as I strike The match To cook the dope My body lacks Needle goes in Finds a good spot Relief floods over me My head begins to nod. Heroin is strong It packs a mighty punch One day on top Of the world Next day in a slump Euphoric and bliss Floating on a cloud My mind goes blank My body starts To shake Then falls to the ground Bold bright light Shining in my face Why am I strapped Down in this strange Familiar place My doctor walked over As I hid my face You’ve been here before he glanced At me and said If you don’t get help You’re going to wind up dead Oh Lord Jesus Please help me I am a sinner Yearning to be free. Am I human No more Because my Journey Is different from yours. I look to the heavens And begin to pray Release me Lord I don’t want to Die this way God spoke to me In a quite low voice I am that I am I knew you before you were formed I see all your pain But I love you so much more Go in peace You can beat this disease I gave you everything You will ever need. Take comfort and know Your debt for sin Has been paid with 3 nails 1 cross The world was never The same. Trust and believe I am with you all your days When you’re feeling lonely I am a prayer away 30 days clean I begin to feel ok. 60 days went by in a blink of an eye. 90 days gone My life takes shape One year later, College life is great. Five years down, as I don my Cap and gown Am I my brothers’ keeper? yes I am Passed all my tests. I am a counselor now. I owe it all to Him The Lord most high My heart still beats I am still Alive! Kelley Wooden-Stanley Gods Lovelee Poet In him we were also chosen, having been predestined according to the plan of Him who works out everything in conformity with the purpose of His will. Ephesians 1:11.
Posted on: Fri, 24 Oct 2014 14:21:32 +0000

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