Hello friends: To our surprise we went in for a routine ultrasound - TopicsExpress


Hello friends: To our surprise we went in for a routine ultrasound at our specialist yesterday at 10:30am. Boys were appr measuring 3lb 6oz or so they thought. While checking they thought I was having some strong contractions. So they hooked me up to the monitor and they were 2 to 3 minutes apart. They decided to have me go to Mercy Hospital and once there I was admitted for observation and I received steroid shots to improve lung function and fluids for me. I was not dilating so I was told I would stay for a couple of days and be on full bed rest once home. Doc said if I listened I could keep them in another month. A half hour after that literally my nurse noticed a huge drop in baby b heart rate. The next thing I knew I was surrounded and a code white was being called and I was being ran to operating room. I did not have epidural yet so I was put to sleep. Once on ultrasound we saw baby bs placenta had detached and that is why the drop. I was by myself with 20 to 30 docs I would say. And they were saying baby a is alive we need to get them out. I just started praying in my head. Upon waking I received news that both babies were taken via emergeny c section at 8:28pm and weighed 2lb 14oz at 30 weeks exactly. They were breathing on their own with only minor help and have feeding tubes for now. Dave was able to see and hold them on their way to nicu for a min. I finally got to see them at 1am being wheeled into nicu and I held baby b for a min. Since I wasnt numb from epidural I was pretty out of I from morphine etc last night so I didnt respond to anyone. Thanks for prayers and keep them coming. They are small and beautiful and we are happy, scared, overwhelmed, and in love! Pics and names to follow later today hopefully.
Posted on: Wed, 08 Oct 2014 11:39:08 +0000

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