Hello friends and computerlects here is another piece of HERESY - TopicsExpress


Hello friends and computerlects here is another piece of HERESY that would incline ur REASONING towards computing. First i would like to thank you for ur patience during this RESEARCH and secondly i know most of u would be happy with what am about to ANALOGISE hope u all are ready for this? When i was child i use to have this imagination of GOD as the SUPER CONTROLLER of the universe then maturity took me into different CIRCLES which after all my IMAGINARY THOUGHTS was proven to be correct. Now what am about to postulate here is a PROPOSITION of THOROUGH RESEARCH condescending into ANALOGIES then CASCADING into FACTUALS Now probable you must be wondering where this INTELECTUAL is going i hope! ITS OPERATING SYSTEM!!! Wow very funny right?probably u would be thinking am a STORY TELLER?then you are wrong. Now to the subject matter OPERATING SYSTEM- Remember i told u about GOD as the SUPERCONTROLLER of the universe thats how an operating system is needed in a computer.below are some ANALOGIES to support this- We all know that without programs COMPUTERS are the most USELESS MACHINES EVER created i guess u agree? Now we have what we call a MASTER PROGRAM which i call operating system. Probable that by now u would be thinking what is a master program.lol.... Let me run u through its definition- Its a program that controls the execution of other programs and acts as an interface between the users and the components making use of it. I know some programmers would disconcord with this but remember this is ANALOGY IN ACTION. Now this subject matter co relates with softwares and programming languages.hope u all know the meaning of these? Now every computer consists of hardwares,operating system programs,application programs. The hardware consists of memory,cpu,ALU,i/o devices,peripheral devices,storage devices,system programs which consists of compilers,loaders,editors etc. Now the big QUESTION comes-why the need for OPERATING SYSTEM? Remember i told u about GOD as the SUPER CONTROLLER of the universe then we computer scientists need controllers in any thing we do so as to make our programs run smoothly. Lest i forget without the processors i doubt the existence of the operating system just like without GOD i doubt the existence of life. Just as GOD speak to us through different languages so also does the operating system has language namely; 1-COMMAND LANGUAGES 2-JOB CONTROL LANGUAGES 3-SOFTWARE languages. I hope this heresy vividly explained operating systems in RELATIVITY to GOD. Thank u all those who read this and one love.
Posted on: Sun, 23 Mar 2014 13:26:18 +0000

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