Hello hello! After a 2-month digital detox that took me deep in - TopicsExpress


Hello hello! After a 2-month digital detox that took me deep in the mountains of Peru and on an epic road trip around the US, Im back online... Since I went off the grid in late-July, Ive gone through the most transformative, challenging, bizarre and beautiful phase of my life. And Ive got some incredible stories and insights to share with you. Some of what happened to me is straight out of a sci-fi movie... except it happened for real. Before I left for Peru, I said I had a feeling Id come back as a different man. I couldnt have fathomed how prophetic this statement would turn out to be... But before I dive into that, let me give you a bit of context and bring you back to the dark times I was going through before I left... As you might remember, after a tremendously successful 2013, I decided to raise the stakes in 2014. I took on more big projects, more responsibilities, I went haywire on Crossfit, and I forgot something important: Sometimes I need to rest or else I start to fall apart. As 2014 unfolded, on the outside it looked like I was crushing it. But on the inside, I was the one being crushed. I started waking up with a ball of anxiety in the pit of my stomach every morning, my enthusiasm for life flickered away, and I developed a lingering feeling that something was wrong... ... but I didnt have time to deal with all that... There was too much to do! Ah, the irony. So I kept on trucking along, until one fateful day in June I did a DMT ceremony in Boulder, and my whole reality was blown to pieces. The spirit molecule made it clear for me: I was on the highway to self-destruction... ...and there was a MUCH easier way to live a fulfilled, impactful and joyful life. And now it was my time, my purpose and my mission to discover it. Fast forward to July 29, 2014. I boarded a plane towards Lima, Peru for a country where I had a strong intuition I was meant to discover some of the answers I was looking for. My intentions for this trip were profound. I intended: -To reconnect with my true self. Not the *story* of who I am or want be, but who I am underneath all that: my soul, my essence.. -To do some deep inner work to uncover and heal some of my darkest insecurities and fears... -To continue learning how I can create more value in the world... Not by hustling more or working harder, but by having better alignment and allowing more ease into my life. The moment I got on the plane, I knew something special was going to happen. I started to relax and I got massively excited about the fact that for the next month... I was completely and utterly free. No responsibilities. No pressure. No email. No Facebook. No cellphone. Just me, my thoughts... and endless possibilities. Aww What a feeling! I felt like I was a kid again, giddy with excitement, free to play, explore and love without restrictions. I had no specific plans for the trip, and only a few broad logistical guidelines... I would spend 10 days in Cusco (the oldest city in America), 10 days in the Sacred Valley (doing Ayahuasca and San Pedro ceremonies) and 10 days in Mancora (living la Dolce Vita on the beach)... Besides that, it was up to Gods will. No plans, no agenda, no constraints. Just a lot of unpredictable adventures. :) And oh, the things that happened.... Its funny just how magical life can be when we give ourselves time and space (instead of trying to cram every minute with productive activities). On Friday, Ill send you a full, uncensored account of what happened to me in Peru. Ill share with you... -How I faced death, twice (and how the Ayahuasca ceremonies pushed me further than Ive ever been emotionally, mentally and physically). -How I had the most surreal spiritual experience of my life (real-world Sci-fi stuff folks... youll have to keep an open mind) -Why this madness was SO worth it, how I feel Im BY FAR the best version of myself Ive ever been. So keep an eye out for my next email Friday morning... Ill give you an exclusive look into the rabbit hole of my spiritual quest in Peru... Youll see just how bizarre and beautiful it was. Much love, Phil PS Thank you SO MUCH for all the support I received before I left. I got hundreds of messages wishing me well on the journey. It meant a lot to me to feel so loved and supported. Thank you!
Posted on: Wed, 01 Oct 2014 17:07:26 +0000

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