Hello my wonderful friends ! So recently I told you that I - TopicsExpress


Hello my wonderful friends ! So recently I told you that I would post something when the big energy shift weeks are upon us. The next one is upon us so ill try pass along the skinny here. Ill pass along the mathy [ is that even a word ?] stuff first here so you can skip if you want: Mercury went Retrograde @3 Cancer this past Saturday morning.Neptune will make a station at 8 Pisces [ the sign that it rules at 3:51 p.m. on Monday and Mars will exactly square Pluto this coming Sunday morning @13 Libra/ Capricorn. Translation: for the most part this shift will be felt mostly internally. We know that when Mercury is retrograde we internalize our specify our communication methods , you can expect some miss communications and perhaps more technical issues than normal. Mercury being in a water sign we can expect this to be about coming to terms with some inner emotional issues. Be sure to be specific in your outward communications with others . Neptune stations today [ Monday ] afternoon. Neptune is in the sign that it rules [ Pisces ] making it even more powerful. Neptune rules intuition and can be very foggy in its communications as well. You can expect your intuition and your powers to manifest to be quite high right now. Neptune is also forming a trine with Mercury right now meaning they are working very well in tandem. Be clear with others about what you need emotionally right now and listen to your inner voice. I know there is lots of crazy stuff in the news right now, mass shootings, bombings, diseases. We have to be able to shut off the external noise. These transits are asking us to internalize and focus and listen to our inner guidance. Put the inconsequential outside noise aside. Now I know from talking to many of you that there is a lot of frustration with how slowly things are moving and it seems to be hard to move forward in many areas. This will change at the next shift which is in about a month. I know many of you are having some tough challenges right now and some of you have had some unpleasant things to deal with. I can only tell you that we are nearing the end of this rather difficult period that started late last year where we have been asked to assess what is important to us in relationships and as far as creating balance in our lives. We are almost at the end of this long internalization period. We are all being asked to clean up things from our past so that we have room to take in the great new energy that is coming starting in mid July. So try and be patient a little longer and take care of what needs taken care of so that you are ready to take off in July. I know things have been difficult just remember we are all here together to work out our stuff and that you are not alone even if it feels like it sometimes. We are all connected and here to help each other. The next one of these you get from me will be around July 12th and it will be telling you of a very different energy from now that is coming. The energy shift that occurs between July 13th-25th will be monumental. So just remember that this period is almost over and weve all done a lot of work the last 6 months that we will reap the benefits shortly. I love you all very much my friends. each and every one of you ..just hang in there , things are changing soon..I promise.
Posted on: Mon, 09 Jun 2014 11:02:21 +0000

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