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Illustrated here are the 11 Soul numbers, and how we can each best adapt, flow, and excel in the year of 2015. SOUL of 1: Your independent spirit would really like to take the reins and charge forward at this time, and that is all good and well as long as you balance the energies of your head and heart. Compassion not only for others, but yourself too, is essential now. You will not make up for lost time or create the perfect new plan by falling into a “tunnel vision” of repetitive effort. Let your communication come more from the heart and see how your effectiveness increases, as well as joy of life. You can kill someone with “the truth,” and as Yogi Bhajan has said, “Highest truth is when everyone is elevated.” Chanting the Mool Mantra for 11 minutes a day will help you to have a more inclusive, as well as broader, spectrum of vision as you travel this new year. SOUL of 2: You are probably still recuperating from a certain level of emotional burnout from last year, so it’s okay to be a bit selfish and carve out more personal time and space for yourself. Boundaries is the keynote theme of the year for you, otherwise you might feel eaten alive by others people’s needs and demands. It is important to remember that “No!” is a complete sentence, and you do not have to overly explain your need for maintaining healthy boundaries. Once you have this sorted out, you can then explore a time which will allow for expansion and personal fulfillment. Also, whenever you feel as if you are overlooked or forgotten, just meditate on the Tratakam photo for 5 minutes. This powerful meditation picture of Yogi Bhajan connects you to the Golden Chain, a lineage of spiritual masters going back thousands of years in time. Somebody’s always home. SOUL of 3: The creative energies are stirring now, as well as the afterthought, “Is it safe to go outside and play?” Yes it is, as long as you pace yourself and read the cues and signals as they appear in the environment. Don’t let your emotional nature take hold of you or you may find yourself feeling angry or depressed when the world is not appreciating your creative brilliance. You need to eat a lot of green food this year, and not over indulge in sweets or other things when the pressure is on. The Ardas Bhaee mantra will be especially effective for you now. SOUL of 4: You are favored for success at this time, as your precise and methodical approach insures that you will not skip steps on the path of life. The key to your success, in part, is to tune in more to what makes you happy and follow those lines of energy. Try to drop the word “should,” and shift to a more heart centered vision for yourself. A sense of responsibility is important, as well as feeling responsible for your personal joy in life. Chanting the Humee Hum Braham Hum mantra for 11 minutes a day will help to connect you to a more consistent flow of emotional well-being. “Sing songs that relate to the spirit: it is such a beautiful emotional release; you will always be grateful to yourself. It is a perfect way to live sane.” -Yogi Bhajan SOUL of 5: Well, you’re about ready to break down the barn door, and that’s okay, as long as you’re headed in the right direction. The sometimes impetuous and freedom-oriented nature of the number 5 could throw caution to the wind, and that’s not a good plan. You will be able to move forward this year, and it is important to remember to take the well protected path. You might imagine it will take you longer to get to your desired destination but, not so. Similar to the fable of the Tortoise and the Rabbit, the Tortoise wins this one. It might be a good idea to get a lucky charm jade turtle to remind yourself! SOUL of 6: The Gift number (last two digits of the year) for this year is a 6, so you’re a lucky ducky if your Soul number is the same. Six is visionary, inclusive, and family/community oriented, and 2015 is a year of great expansion in collective psyche on planet Earth in relation to these themes. There will be no end in sight of opportunities to be the new Den Mother/Father to the longing masses who wish to feel connected with their kindred spirits. Just be sure to take time out for yourself so your immune system doesn’t get stressed. Omega 3 Oils will be good for your brain and joints this year. SOUL of 7: You will definitely need to keep your boundaries strong in relation to your time availability and personal space. Things will be moving more swiftly than you may like, so retreating from the flow is the only way to insure that you won’t feel overwhelmed and burnout. Others will likely be seeking your advice and support, so be sensitive enough to know when you have the extra energy and when you don’t. Because of the intensity of the Fire Element in this year (1+5=6, 6 is Fire!), you will need to balance yourself by drinking more water. Seven is the Water Element, and when you are dehydrated you lose your ability to focus. Taking a spiritual retreat at some point in the year would be an excellent idea. SOUL of 8: This is your time to shine, surf’s up and you’ll be loving the energy! Just take it all in reasonable strides, and try not to have too many projects spinning at the same time. Remember that number 8 represents rhythm, and keeping your personal rhythm is key to gaining and maintaining your fortune this year. A little pranayam (yogic breathing) will go a long way towards insuring your equilibrium against the prevailing winds of change. When the Pranic Body is strong we can catch the opportunities and not feel overwhelmed or frightened by the new territory that is calling us forward. Sitali pranayam would be especially good for you at this time. SOUL of 9: Oh sensitive one of the subtle realms, be aware of your own energy field, and dance to no one else’s tune. This can be a powerful and creative time for you, as long as you retreat to your sanctuary when things get too intense. Being able to read the energetic frequency of the moment is your new homework assignment, and once you have mastered this, life will have a more magical quality to it. This capacity is inherent in you, it is just when you are lazy or day-dreamy that you lose the connection to your higher instincts. Chanting the Adi Shakti mantra 11 minutes a day will help keep you connected to your higher subtle energies and life potential. SOUL of 10: For you, this is a time of opportunity and expansion; just remember who your real friends are. Self-reliance is one of your life lessons, and last year delivered a huge reality check in this area. Do not commit yourself to more than what you can handle should the other person or the situation fall through. There will be a lot of energy shifting around this year; you’re not going to want to miss out on anything, and you won’t as long as you remember, “Discretion is the better part of valor.” Keep the caffeine consumption in balance too. Try drinking more ginger tea as a positive, healthful alternative. Doing Archer pose with 3 minutes of breath of fire, both right and left side, will help give you that invincible feeling you so love. SOUL of 11: This can be a great year for you, if you can simply remember all of the lessons you learned last year regarding maintaining your healthy boundaries. Things will be moving very swiftly for you, and there will be little time to linger in doubt or misdirected ideals. “Precision in motion” is the motto of the year for you; anything else will have you feeling let down or burned out. You must rise to the higher octave of your soul’s potential, which is “parallel unison-ness.” This is when the God in you and the human in you are in divine alignment, giving you the natural instinct to avoid danger (meaning: duality!). When you are out of danger, then good fortune is no stranger to your door. Who could ask for more? * How to Calculate Your Soul Number The Soul number is calculated as a number from 1 to 11, based on your day of birth. Any number over 11 would then be reduced back down to a number from 1 to 11. For example, if you are born on the 3rd, 12th, 21st, or 30th, your Soul number would be a 3. If you were born on the 7th, 16th or 25th your Soul number is a 7, and if you are born on the 11th or 29th your Soul number is an 11. Would you like to know more? Nam Hari can do a personal reading for you over the phone or by Skype. The numbers of your birth date hold the answers to your life’s creative magic and inspired potential. Nam Hari specializes in the area of relationships, and by revealing the parallel and diagonal lines of energy between you and another, a new dimension of understanding is achieved. Nam Hari also offers an independent study course in the science of Numerology. Contact: Nam Hari 575-305-0017 or namhari17@gmail
Posted on: Sun, 28 Dec 2014 23:09:03 +0000

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