Help us bust another myth about beef! MYTH: Recent E. coli - TopicsExpress


Help us bust another myth about beef! MYTH: Recent E. coli recalls of beef means beef is less safe today than it used to be. FACTS: NOT SO! In reality, improvements by cattlemen and the rest of the beef chain mean that BEEF IS SAFER today, and the chance of foodborne illness related to beef has DECREASED. Here are some important FACTS TO SHARE: -Each year, the beef chain spends about $550 million on research and technology to protect beef from pathogens like E. coli. -The beef industry’s multiple-safeguard approach has helped reduce E. coli-related illness to less than one case per 100,000 people, meeting Centers for Disease Controls Healthy People goal. -In the rare instance that a foodborne pathogen survives, a recall of beef products can help prevent potential illness. -Improved communications of recalls and a 24-hour news cycle means people may hear about recalls more often, but it also means that the system to prevent illness is working. -The BEST WAY to prevent foodborne illnesses like E. coli at home is to implement food-safety practices and follow proper guidelines on beef cooking temperatures. LEARN MORE to help us bust this myth at FactsAboutBeef.
Posted on: Tue, 27 May 2014 12:03:09 +0000

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