Henna Abbas Shame on u all cuting cakes in Muharrum.... I didnt - TopicsExpress


Henna Abbas Shame on u all cuting cakes in Muharrum.... I didnt expect tht from u im gona see now and u see aswel i hope ur wedding lasts Nikah/ wedding is a happy occassion. It is a time of happiness. The month of Muhurrum is a month of sadness, grief and sorrow. It is a month dedicated and commemorating the sacrifice of the Prophet SAWs grandson, family & companions. Therefore one must respect the holy household and not put forward their own happiness over the tragic events of Karbala. If one has waited for marriage what harm will it do to wait another 4weeks? Would you celebrate your wedding knowing the Prophet SAWs family was slaughtered in these days? Would you think about celebrating your marriage if your father had died? Or your mother or sister? No- because you will respect and grieve over the death. So why take the Prophet SAWs grandsons death so slighlty? You want a blessed marriage hence when looking at dates you look at the Islamic calander to see which day is suitable in the Islamic history. The Prophet SAWs happiness is our happiness and his sadness is our sadness. Thats whom you call a true beliver and lover of our beloved Prophet SAW. How do you think our Prophet SAW feel you celebrating your marriage ceremonies while on these exact days his family was slaughtered, butchered and taken as captives? Allah Hu Akber. The answer is very simple. What do you think is morally right? Hennas Nikkah got done on 15th Muharrum? There must be alders in Pakistan who could have said these days are to respect as its Muharrum not a month to do any khushi. How are they respecting the Ahlulbayt(as) tellme? U giving mubrakah it makes u equall atleast u should think sister its not month to give mubarak. Muharrum is for all muslims to respect... What different are u to the the killers of Imam Hussain(as) the killers were celebrating and giving mubaraks in these days. Muharram is not for 10days its for all month if if somebody dies in your family u respect 40days do u or not? Its a month of sorrow and respect not to celebrations... After Day Of Ashura 10th Muharrum the suffering and oppression continued of Prophet(saw)s family(Pbuh) On Muharram 11th (October 11, 680 CE), all captives including all women and children were then loaded onto camels without neither saddle nor sunshade and were moved toward Kufa. And when they approached Kufa, its people gathered to see them. Some women of Kufa gathered veils for them upon knowing that they are relatives of Muhammed(SAW). Among the captives were Ali ibn Hussain, who was gravely ill, as well as Hasan ibn Hasan al-Muthanna, who was seriously injured in the battle of Karbala... Zainab bint Ali pointed at the people to be quiet. Everybody halted and kept silent. Then she addressed the people of Kufa: The praise is exclusively attributed to Allah. And greetings to my father (grand father), Muhammed(SAW), and to his pure and beloved family. And then, Oh people of Kufa! Oh deceitful and reneger people! Do you weep? So let tears not be dried and let groans not be finished. ... Beware, such a bad preparation you have made for yourself that Allah became furious of you and you will be at punishment forever. Do you weep and cry? Yeah, by Allah, do weep numerously and do laugh less! Since you brought its shame and fault on yourself and you will not be able to cleanse it forever. ... And also Fatima al-Kubra, Sakina, Umm-Kulthoum bint Ali and Ali ibn Hussain delivered speeches to Kufans.. All lectures caused a deep sorrow of the people. During the journey from Karbala to Kufa, and from Kufa to Damascus, Hussains sister Zainab bint Ali and Umm-Kulthoom bint Ali, and son Ali ibn Hussain gave various speeches that exposed the truth about Yazid and told the Muslim world of the various atrocities committed in Karbala. After being brought to Yazids court, Syeda Zainab(SA) courageously gave a famous speech in which she denounced Yazids claim to the caliphate and eulogized Hussains uprising. The prisoners were held in Damascus for a year. The people of Damascus began to frequent the prison, and Zainab and Ali ibn Hussain used that as an opportunity to further propagate the message of Hussain and explain to the people the reason for Hussains uprising. As public opinion against Yazid began to foment in Syria and parts of Iraq, Yazid ordered their release and return to Medina, where they continued to tell the world of Hussains cause and Yazids atrocities. If any our family member died on 10th Muharrum would you participate in a wedding 5days after? Surely not. U and your family have disrespected to the Prophet SAWs household. Weldone shame shame shame on u all
Posted on: Sat, 29 Nov 2014 19:00:54 +0000

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