Herbal medicine substitute for your pet **Most of these herbs can - TopicsExpress


Herbal medicine substitute for your pet **Most of these herbs can be found in Health Food store** **For Serious Pet Issues or problems please see your vet** **Cuts and scratches**-make a tea of Calendula flowers and strain and cool then spray the solution on the affected area **Ear Issues (infection,mites,ect....)**-For this you need to get Garlic-Mullein ear oil,use 3-4 drops 2 times daily(make sure to massage the drops down your pets ears as they have longer ear canals than Humans) **Eye Issues (infections,watery)**-Golden Seal tea as a eyewash or eyebright herb tea as a eye wash (if your animal is allergic to pollens please do not use and see a vet) **Fleas**-(To a bowl add these oils)Eucalyptus,Citronella,Sage Next get a string or other form of Collar and dip this into the bowl,and put the flea collar on your pet,if your pet already has a regular collar try taking a string and dipping it in the oil then wrap the string around the collar securing it tight so it stays on the collar To make a flea dip you will need orange oil and your regular shampoo,add 1/2 teaspoon of orange oil to a quarter cup of shampoo and shampoo your pet as you normally would,if it is a really bad case of fleas shampoo your pet 2 to 3 days later using the same shampoo also you need to vacuum your house during the treatments to prevent re-infestation **Herbs to calm your pet down (pet prozac)** If you have a hyperactive pet that just cant sit still you can give it a tea made of Valerian or Chamomile once a day to calm them down some **Infections**-If your pet has a infection you can give them 5-10 drops of echinacea tincture 3-4 times daily for a week,remember to adjust the dose for your pets weight follow the directions on the bottle for weight and size **Lung Issues**- Give your pet a tea made of Mullein you can add it to the pets water dish or even pour in into the food and mix it up **Skin Issues and Hair Issues** Calendula salve is good for your pet when massaged on your pets affected area Rosemary oil diluted in Almond Oil massaged onto the affected area is good for hair loss on your pet **UTI (Urinary Tract Infections)** You can give your pet a tea made of Echinacea along with one or more of the following herbs,Fresh Yarrow made into a drinkable tea,and Plantain leaves made in a tea form and added to the above ingredients **Parasites (Worms)** Garlic,Garlic and more Garlic in a pill form or powdered or chopped up fresh and mixed with their food it does not matter,some say to start it at a early age as to get the pet use to the taste this should prevent worms,if your pet still gets worms even though they have been on the Garlic prevention you may need to give them Garlic Capsules daily until the worms are gone,if all eles fails please see a vet for treatment
Posted on: Wed, 24 Jul 2013 22:00:16 +0000

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