Here’s a perfect scenario of what my next novel should be - TopicsExpress


Here’s a perfect scenario of what my next novel should be about Let me see here. I have a great idea for a new novel in the near future. Think about the power scenario I have: The story is about a president who came to power in America with the goal of downsizing her power, and most disastrously, her prestige as a faithful ally. The president will repudiate old alliances and support and shake hands with terrorists. He will cast out our old friends who kept the balance of power in the Middle East and support those who would even make the present pack of beasts that now rule over the Muslim World appear like house pets in comparison…Like it so far? This president is in his second term and during his first, he succeeded in taking over the car industry, the housing and banking industries, and he was even able to seize control of the whole nation’s healthcare system. Deficits had already reached the shameful level of 6 trillion dollars, when he arrived in office. Though he held it all under his tightly woven infrastructure, during his first term, after the president managed to get the nation to suspend reality for a second time and was reelected, all the cards came crashing down. It started the breakdown of all confidence in a nation that now stayed in office by giving money to its uneducated and welfare-addicted voters. His dark Robin Hood system took from the rich in amounts that made owning a business not worth the trouble. It made companies pull out of the nation.The people realized that poor people never could give them a job. It made many businesses collapse; it was not a presidential mistake. It was all by plan…thought-out mayhem. It was not the tail wagging the dog. It became the dog chewing its own tail right off. The president knew that his new medical policy would be an economic game changer and that the budget , in its present constitution, would never support the trillions of dollars it was going to cost tax payers to supposedly keep them healthy. The public instead felt it would give them a fatal heart attack instead, making their untimely demise a net savings for the government. When the public realized what the president had done to the nation’s ability to care for itself, it was too late. The system had already woven its tentacles around the constitution; the institutions of the government had already made the changes damn near permanent. Every bit of what had conspired to pull the people’s freedom into a systematic dictocracy gave them the patriotic trappings of a free society, which had in fact become, under this president’s Pied Piper’s march, the most controlled socialist nation in the history of the world. It was better known as the Fundamental Transformation of America. No one could call this president a liar. He defiantly stood before the nation and said in debates that as president he would socialize with terrorist nations such as Iran and the Muslim Brotherhood. He told the people before his first election that he would change their health care. He said he would change the way they live in his environmental policies. He did not hide that he would sit down with Iran and talk peace and be tougher on Israel. He said it all. Everyone was mesmerized by his persona. Even the president was in awe of himself. Then, when the president had taxed enough more and had gotten everything the way he wanted, he knew there was nothing left if crisis broke out across the globe that threatened America’s interests. But it was not the money that made this president not care about the calamity unleashing death in the Middle East with a huge new war being waged between Israel and Hamas. The president went golfing and fund raising; he was BBQed hamburgers for his party’s need of bucks when Russian supporters in Crimea and in the Ukraine shot down a passenger jetliner. The president gave the news of the disaster 40 seconds of his time, said a brief bit of political blather and turned around and started BBQing again. He did nothing to protect his nation’s interests. He was not being incompetent. He was letting the bedlam fully slither out of Pandora’s bitter box. Now, Russia was no longer threatening to take the nation of Ukraine. They had already committed an act of war by traversing the Ukrainian Frontier hours earlier. The president is smiling at his hole in one. Only the president and his chosen few knew that there was not one penny left to fight any war at all. The answer to that problem was, just don’t care. They would rebuild it from the ashes into the nation as they prescribe it. They had bombs and planes to drop them but no boots to provide. Boots demand food and water and ammunition and there was no money. Because of the president’s healthcare changes, the 6 trillion dollar deficit he had inherited was now well over 18 trillion and climbing. Just the interest payments on the debt had quadrupled after the bill began to be implemented. Now, it was a leviathan that stayed alive by eating every available dollar that it could ingest. The president had been warned that pulling out of Iraq was dangerous and that it would be seen as an invitation to unknown but deadly forces that wish to set up an Islamic Caliphate throughout the region; then, came ISIL. This evil brood of deadly snakes all wrapped up in Islamic language and dress and act poured into the Middle East with the swords that literally was removing people’s heads at will. The president was on vacation. They swarmed into the nations of Iraq and Syria and took over huge swaths of land that they declared to be the new Nation of Islam. The president said it was the Iraqi government’s fault and did nothing to help. ISIL took Mosul, and many large cities in the wake of their march of death. The president had a basketball match today. Only after Reuters reported that Islamic State fighters had seized control of Iraqs biggest dam, an oilfield and three more towns on the past Sunday. ISIL had also inflicted their first major defeat of Kurdish forces since sweeping across much of northern Iraq in June. Reuters said Iraqi state television had just reported that “ISIL forces have captured the electricity-generating Mosul Dam, after an offensive of barely 24 hours, could give the Sunni militants the ability to flood major Iraqi cities or withhold water from farms, raising the stakes in their bid to topple Prime Minister Nuri al-Malikis Shiite-led government. The terrorist gangs of the Islamic State have taken control of Mosul Dam after the withdrawal of Kurdish forces without a fight, The president returned to the White House living quarters and took a shower. He put on a fresh suit and was attaching his cufflinks. He picked up his blackberry and pressed on button. “Yes, Mr. President.” “You have a green light on the bombs! Do it now.” “Yes, Sir.’ “General, these are guided bombs, right?” “Yes, Mr. President; that is correct, sir.” “Great,” the president said and looked downward in thought. “Can’t touch that damn, General. Would be disastrous for our budget to rebuild that.” “And, millions would be killed and uprooted.” The General stated. “Ah, yes, true. I had not thought of that.” Missiles are still being thrust into Israel from the Gaza. Israel is still retaliating for their own existence. Russian tanks are still inside Ukrainian territory and rolling in with impunity, as they arm the nation’s enemies. ISIL is still beheading common people and US Reporters. The president’s golf handicap was replaced with another one; the president’s inability to care for the people he swore and oath to protect and defend. ISIL is still spreading out like locusts and are and shall be a very grave threat to Europe and the United States. Britain’s Prime Minister knows the danger and is taking great steps to protect his people. America’s President said, “We still do not have a comprehensive policy on how to handle ISIL.” But he was proud he could tell you all the stats anyone wished to hear for the Chicago White Sox, the president’s favorite team. He would let this evil expand to fully implement this president’s intention of surrounding Israel’s with radical Islamic governments that can squeeze her into signing a peace treaty that will destroy the Jewish State’s hold on the Middle East. That was my idea for my next book. Oh wait! I cannot write this as fiction. I’d have to write it as recent history! This is all happening right now…for real…before our eyes. This kind of president is already in the White House; he already has bankrupted the nation, taken our freedoms and chucked them to the wind. This is no fiction at all. This is the world that Barack Hussein Obama has built around you. Perhaps you will be online tonight looking for a job. Obama will be have his feet propped up on a desk watch his favorite sports. The greatest danger of all is when reality becomes stranger than fiction, as it is today! - Steven Clark Bradley
Posted on: Sat, 30 Aug 2014 06:11:12 +0000

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